How can we improve RSCR wilderness PKing?

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Turilas Send PM


Posts: 94

Teleport  to border upon logout would mean

a) AFK training in wild ruined
b) Rune mining ruined

Etc. Or say that there's a disconnect - back to border. It would be more of an annoyance than anything. -1

The death match arena gets a +1 from me.
Clans and clanwar system would be rather cool as well, by the way.

Also, while the timer thing might not be fool-proof it might have at least some impact so +1 to that also.

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Teemu Send PM


From: Helsinki
Posts: 213

I got solution for u all little ladies who's crying 'bout pking and getting owned. Put ur hand to your nuts and squeeze hard! FIN CREW MAKES DEM RULES ON RSCREVOLUTION! ps. See you ladies at castle!


Last edited by Teemu (29 Jan 2016 10:14)


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xxKDxx Send PM


From: china
Posts: 239

I want to see the names who is complaining about wild pk?

Yes agree we all have our teams, especially the ones that Pk for more than a year.
I have over 350 deaths on my acc , im sure 200 of them is when i was 4vs1 or so.

For new people who joins us:
1. Get ur stats up
2. find a team at least 1 ranger and 1 fighter
3. go kick some ass

- Problem solved-

yours KODA

K O D X / K L O J A

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padwan121 Send PM


Posts: 678

Teemu said:

I got solution for u all little ladies who's crying 'bout pking and getting owned. Put ur hand to your nuts and squeeze hard! FIN CREW MAKES DEM RULES ON RSCREVOLUTION! ps. See you ladies at castle!


Man you give me the giggles. big_smile watch out for robo cop guys in wildly!

Last edited by padwan121 (29 Jan 2016 11:36)

Time waits for no what is your plan? Live a life of reget? Or a life you wont forget.

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tylerthaboss Send PM


Posts: 31

only thing about getting sent somewhere when logged out.. what if someone was full of loot high wild scared to run down.. they could just log out and be tele'd safely back to edge/lum/barb ville? or whatever was suggested? idk.

Last edited by tylerthaboss (29 Jan 2016 15:31)


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larsftw Send PM


Posts: 538

log = tele to border ruins all afking in wild..

Add deathmatch arena if you feel like it but dont put stupid limiting rules to the wilderness, ppl that think they only suck and die because they allways gets teamed etc. are just searching for excuses to justify their failure. It has been proven over and over on different servers that limiting pking for actual pkers will not get more ppl to pk.


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i3lunt t0k3r Send PM


From: NJ
Posts: 1,053

larsftw said:

log = tele to border ruins all afking in wild..

Add deathmatch arena if you feel like it but dont put stupid limiting rules to the wilderness, ppl that think they only suck and die because they allways gets teamed etc. are just searching for excuses to justify their failure. It has been proven over and over on different servers that limiting pking for actual pkers will not get more ppl to pk.

Don't afk in wild then ur just mad you won't be able to park soulfears account to pj ur deaths any more

Ignore the hate the fake and the funny shit

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n0m Send PM


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We have planned to add a 30-60 second time-out if you login in wilderness. It would probably make parking useless.

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i3lunt t0k3r Send PM


From: NJ
Posts: 1,053

n0m said:

We have planned to add a 30-60 second time-out if you login in wilderness. It would probably make parking useless.

Sounds legit can alway try it and edit it. So time out mean what we can't attck noone and rice verse right it wouldn't be fair if I can be attacked and u can't attck noone. With that tho it would only make sense to add a stand still timer if u run and Someone misses a catch and u log in n out right away that gives someone 30 60 sec to run to edge that be some bull shit

Ignore the hate the fake and the funny shit

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KizL Send PM


From: Seattle
Posts: 4,654

KizL said:

GLeU said:

Tbh any changes you make multi loggers will find a way around.

I honestly think your best bet is a 2nd world but it's only edge ville and wildy to just below bandit camp. The whole area is 1v1 and you can't attack a new person till 1 minute has past after your last attack/login. Any characters logged out more then 10 mins get auto sent back to edge ville. It's extreme but I think it's truly the only way to please both parties.

Yes plz id do this every day. I hate other pplz chars logging in after i start a fight. But this would be the best.

+1 matty boi



IGN: Alerion, No Mercy, Attila and KizL
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Jusba Send PM


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i3lunt t0k3r said:

n0m said:

We have planned to add a 30-60 second time-out if you login in wilderness. It would probably make parking useless.

Sounds legit can alway try it and edit it. So time out mean what we can't attck noone and rice verse right it wouldn't be fair if I can be attacked and u can't attck noone. With that tho it would only make sense to add a stand still timer if u run and Someone misses a catch and u log in n out right away that gives someone 30 60 sec to run to edge that be some bull shit

I guess he means that it takes 30-60 seconds to log in.
Makes more sense than 30-60 second wait after logging in, for the reasons you stated above.

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Ckmoon Send PM


From: Sydney
Posts: 241

All these ideas... are like trying to put a band-aid over a 'wound' that will never heal

If there were 100x more pkers, nobody would really complain due to that fact that there would be so much activity

Right now people think there should be certain restrictions placed in wild - in order to make it 'fair'. Truth of the matter is if someone goes towards the extra effort to train another build, and place it strategically, they shouldn't be punished with a timeout rule.. Everyone can do it right?

After you pass the danger sign at the border of wild you pretty much agree to risk ur character and items to any possibility.

As of late I am unaware of any HUGE teams. If I do see one, I msg people on my list to come pk - and usually a war ensues

My advice: leave the wilderness as it is, and focus on completing the final parts of the game.


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KizL Send PM


From: Seattle
Posts: 4,654

n0m said:

We have planned to add a 30-60 second time-out if you login in wilderness. It would probably make parking useless.

+1 good idea lets try this out.

Ckmoon said:

All these ideas... are like trying to put a band-aid over a 'wound' that will never heal

If there were 100x more pkers, nobody would really complain due to that fact that there would be so much activity

Right now people think there should be certain restrictions placed in wild - in order to make it 'fair'. Truth of the matter is if someone goes towards the extra effort to train another build, and place it strategically, they shouldn't be punished with a timeout rule.. Everyone can do it right?

After you pass the danger sign at the border of wild you pretty much agree to risk ur character and items to any possibility.

As of late I am unaware of any HUGE teams. If I do see one, I msg people on my list to come pk - and usually a war ensues

My advice: leave the wilderness as it is, and focus on completing the final parts of the game.


only nerds with 10+ accounts would say this malarkey. No1 ever had more than 2 accounts on real RSC and normally they had a high lvl main and a low lvl pb and that's it. There was a few with 2 twin accounts but it was mostly kids sharing.


IGN: Alerion, No Mercy, Attila and KizL
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GLeU Send PM


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KizL said:

n0m said:

We have planned to add a 30-60 second time-out if you login in wilderness. It would probably make parking useless.

+1 good idea lets try this out.

Ckmoon said:

All these ideas... are like trying to put a band-aid over a 'wound' that will never heal

If there were 100x more pkers, nobody would really complain due to that fact that there would be so much activity

Right now people think there should be certain restrictions placed in wild - in order to make it 'fair'. Truth of the matter is if someone goes towards the extra effort to train another build, and place it strategically, they shouldn't be punished with a timeout rule.. Everyone can do it right?

After you pass the danger sign at the border of wild you pretty much agree to risk ur character and items to any possibility.

As of late I am unaware of any HUGE teams. If I do see one, I msg people on my list to come pk - and usually a war ensues

My advice: leave the wilderness as it is, and focus on completing the final parts of the game.


only nerds with 10+ accounts would say this malarkey. No1 ever had more than 2 accounts on real RSC and normally they had a high lvl main and a low lvl pb and that's it. There was a few with 2 twin accounts but it was mostly kids sharing.


Outside of a few people most of us 0nly have 2 flats and most don't even use the 2nd to pk all that often. Unless I'm trying to keep Hotspot to train I rarely use 2 flats. It takes away the risk factor.

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smack u Send PM


Posts: 75

Ckmoon said:

All these ideas... are like trying to put a band-aid over a 'wound' that will never heal

If there were 100x more pkers, nobody would really complain due to that fact that there would be so much activity

Right now people think there should be certain restrictions placed in wild - in order to make it 'fair'. Truth of the matter is if someone goes towards the extra effort to train another build, and place it strategically, they shouldn't be punished with a timeout rule.. Everyone can do it right?

After you pass the danger sign at the border of wild you pretty much agree to risk ur character and items to any possibility.

As of late I am unaware of any HUGE teams. If I do see one, I msg people on my list to come pk - and usually a war ensues

My advice: leave the wilderness as it is, and focus on completing the final parts of the game.

I concur with this dude, people are only using the tools at their advantage. Everyone has access to the same tools. If one is willing to work harder to become better and stronger, he should reap the benefits of winning. Why else would he have wasted countless hours and days training and playing this game to be the best. Sorry if it doesn't welcome noobie pkers, but we were all once noobs.

I didn't have 5 flats, pkers of every level, the ability to multilog clients, and loads of friends with the same arsenal when I started this server. I learned from the best. I did what I seen worked. I've died many times in the process of learning. I saw what worked best and utilized those tactics like the winners at the time did. I didn't whine and wish on a penny that the server would change. I did what anyone with a logical brain would do and observed those who were getting kills and killing people like me.

Now after all my years of research, experience, time, effort, and endless training... I'm one of the guys you start these threads over. Sorry I've been playing this server since June of 2014, I've got 17 months into being bigger, better, and stronger than you. So the guys coming in that train a 40 1 99 88 or a 60 40 99 88 in a month then go get annihilated in our wild are unhappy with it? I have over a year and a half RSCR experience, training, and boredom over those noobs. I feel it's only right they shouldn't put up much of a fight to me.

Put the shoe on the other foot. Get somebody with equal or more experience and a similar arsenal of accs. Let's use Yoyo for example since he's a celebrity. If Yoyo had all his flats, and a few 60-90 pkers nobody knew about... I have 5 flats and he has atleast 6 probably more, if we were to DM with multilogging allowed... the odds are greatly in his favor unless I got a lucky 3 hit. He wins!

Even in the 60s-90s, we have loads of fun. Once again, if Yoyo came at me with 4 chars, I'd make sure to have 4 of my own loaded. May the best pjer win! It could go either way with those stats, but if there was no 3 hit, if it came down to casting or catching.. Yoyo would probably have me because he's a better caster and catcher.

These events have happened to me over the years and the point of it all is, the shit was fun! This is what I pk for. If Yoyo smoked the shit out of me on 9 accs in 20 minutes, I wouldn't be mad.. I'd be fuckin stoked I got that much pk action! I wouldn't be bitching about dying and he's a better pker blah blah blah, I'd respect him for killing me and see if I can learn any tricks from him how he kills me.  You have to accept there's people that been doin what what're doin much longer than you so they're naturally better at it. Accept that and learn something from them. Who cares he multilogged, who cares he acc parked, I GOT FKIN ACTION AND LOVED IT!

Before we make major changes to suit those who been playing a couple weeks/months, I think we should have a loyal veteran vote held separately, say people that've been playing at least 6 months or better. There's usually a reason or another we all still stick around and play, might not wanna wipe some of those reasons out.

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Oopsies Back Send PM


Posts: 53

rofl^^ best post on these forums ever, couldn't stop laughing after I saw 'yoyos is a better catcher and caster than me' u must be fhking awful, you could use 4 accounts to my 1 and I wouldnt be worried LOL

Last edited by Oopsies Back (30 Jan 2016 12:34)

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KizL Send PM


From: Seattle
Posts: 4,654

TL;DR you spent more time so you win blah blah blah heard that shit b4. Dgaf that's not the point. ANY MMO PVP today would ban you for that faggotry multi.


IGN: Alerion, No Mercy, Attila and KizL
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azid123 Send PM


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i3lunt t0k3r said:

Add a kill thing in pk chat
"Annabelle has pk azids123* or what not

Hahah like this idea.. Although that particular message will never appear..

P.s. That signature is BENT

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padwan121 Send PM


Posts: 678

n0m said:

We have planned to add a 30-60 second time-out if you login in wilderness. It would probably make parking useless.

I hope you implant this add 100 from me.

Time waits for no what is your plan? Live a life of reget? Or a life you wont forget.

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padwan121 Send PM


Posts: 678

larsftw said:

log = tele to border ruins all afking in wild..

Add deathmatch arena if you feel like it but dont put stupid limiting rules to the wilderness, ppl that think they only suck and die because they allways gets teamed etc. are just searching for excuses to justify their failure. It has been proven over and over on different servers that limiting pking for actual pkers will not get more ppl to pk.

Teaming is fine, nothing wrong with it what so ever. However parking chars and multi logging is a scrub move and unjust in my opinion.

Time waits for no what is your plan? Live a life of reget? Or a life you wont forget.