Fantastic Recruitment Opportunity

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Evan Send PM


Posts: 254

Given that rscrevolution recently pushed a completely underwhelming update (reopening RSC) and is evidently offering no support to the game, I feel like just about everyone playing RSC is pissed about it. I see this as a great opportunity to bolster our server, as I feel like we could easily get away with a huge advertising campaign in there and show these people RSCR and what we can offer that rscrevolution/turnip clearly cannot: android, no botters, noted system, auction house, etc. These are people who likely have never tried RSC private servers but are clearly interested in RSC and this is a great chance to lure them in. Has anyone been on RSC? I might make an account just to do this.

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n0m Send PM


Posts: 1,821

When they search for RSC on google we'll be visible there, I don't know how else could we promote to that specific group?

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ephrin Send PM


From: Canada
Posts: 364

n0m said:

When they search for RSC on google we'll be visible there, I don't know how else could we promote to that specific group?

I believe hes referring to actual face-2-face advertising in-game on the official RSC servers.


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AR Send PM


From: UK
Posts: 299

Yeah I agree the potential to advertise on original RSC is huge specially with the android app.

P.s check out my thread about rating the app on the play store.. It was at 3.8 got it to 4.0 out of 5 big_smile

If you guys haven't rated it yet go and do it, I'm guilty of skipping past apps that have a crappy review score so higher the score, the better!

IGN - x Alex x & Pk Alex

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i3lunt t0k3r Send PM


From: NJ
Posts: 1,053

AR said:

Yeah I agree the potential to advertise on original RSC is huge specially with the android app.

P.s check out my thread about rating the app on the play store.. It was at 3.8 got it to 4.0 out of 5 big_smile

If you guys haven't rated it yet go and do it, I'm guilty of skipping past apps that have a crappy review score so higher the score, the better!

Noone like the app now bc sucks to pk on

Ignore the hate the fake and the funny shit

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AR Send PM


From: UK
Posts: 299

Majority of players love the app, great for skilling/AFK etc.

Pking is just a small part of what you can do RSC.

IGN - x Alex x & Pk Alex

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i3lunt t0k3r Send PM


From: NJ
Posts: 1,053

AR said:

Majority of players love the app, great for skilling/AFK etc.

Pking is just a small part of what you can do RSC.

Ya only thing I use the app for is cooking and while I'm taking a shit

Ignore the hate the fake and the funny shit

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KizL Send PM


From: Seattle
Posts: 4,654

Auto typer in Draynor that says google RSCRevolution to play RSC on your phone!

have it logged in 24/7 spamming chat.


IGN: Alerion, No Mercy, Attila and KizL
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Evan Send PM


Posts: 254

KizL said:

Auto typer in Draynor that says google RSCRevolution to play RSC on your phone!

have it logged in 24/7 spamming chat.


thats what im talking about! great idea. make sure the text is descriptive as possible.

blunt toker, make your own topic to complain in.

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happygoatman Send PM


Posts: 41

Revolution for life... rscrevolution insulted us and old classic players basically. Real RSC population (their servers;rscrevolution) no longer even looks for nor punishes cheaters, so if you decide to jump into the classic world again, you're surrounded by botting chars and a couple dozen players who own ? percent of the wealth in the entire economy. At least in our server you can find someone on the grind with a goal in mind, or someone who's a legit player trying to finish the same quest or max out the same skill as you, or hunt the same item drop as you. It's sad but this is classic now! turnip is too quick and easy, and rscrevolution is what I said it is. Revolution IS classic.

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i3lunt t0k3r Send PM


From: NJ
Posts: 1,053

All you can do is sit indraynor in classic

Ignore the hate the fake and the funny shit

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Mythical Send PM


Posts: 60

I've been a Classic player from early on and quit when they released RS2.
It's nice theyve reopenend classic but I'm not going back there, I like this server alot and the improvements made.

The good news is that my friend Mystical 910 will also be playing here soon!
To me, Revolution = Classic!

Last edited by Mythical (17 Jan 2016 15:55)

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i3lunt t0k3r Send PM


From: NJ
Posts: 1,053

Mythical said:

To me, Revolution = Classic!

Ignore the hate the fake and the funny shit

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Datsyuk Send PM


From: Detroit
Posts: 200

I'm advertising in draynor right now


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