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S O B BSpace Send PM


Posts: 716

Arson said:

I do see a possible issue with the noting. I know when alching something noted on rs2, it alched the entire stack for the price of 1 item. Is there a way to alch notes individually in place, or was this not thought of?

I think the design of alching itself is intended to be 1 alch per 1 item.  I believe in rs2 it only alched 1 item regardless of stack size to prevent people from being able to alch a large amount of items in 1 cast.  I even think that it would have been a nice feature if when trying to alch a stack of something, say arrows or runes, which I don't think is ever really done on purpose, it should alch only one out of the stack instead of the entire stack.  I know one time in rsc a long long time ago I accidentally alched my stack of nature runes and rage quit for like 3 days.

Vet Paul
Iron Paul

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Zeldar Send PM


Posts: 467

The new website will be faster than this one.  I'm currently desing some small stuff to the new site and show it to Fate.

Keep guys eyes open and read forums daily wink

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Blueberry Send PM


From: Ontario
Posts: 15

I'm not sure what you guys will think of this, or Admins/Mods but Alex, I'm wondering if this suggestion would maybe be better for PvP in the wilderness. For example: Add a toggle option in-game like for example, MPVP or P2PPVP toggle. A player with MPVP/P2PPVP toggled off in the wilderness can ONLY use Non-Member items in the wilderness and can only attack and be attacked by players with MPVP/P2PPVP toggled off. Players with MPVP/P2PPVP toggled on can attack and be attacked by players that only have MPVP/P2PPVP toggled on and can use both Non-Member and Member items in the wilderness at any level in the wilderness and possibly have like a 5 minute timer when toggling it on/off for it to take full effect so players can't abuse the option to run away or make it so you can only toggle the option while being out of the wilderness (this would be my preferred choice of the two). In other words, give players the choice of Non-Members only wilderness or Members wilderness at just the click of a button to toggle on/off. Either way would be good. I think it's a great suggestion. Players, Admins/Mods, let me know what you think about this idea.   smile

Last edited by Blueberry (14 Nov 2014 11:49)


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Arson Send PM


Posts: 31

I really like that idea cass =) The only flaw I see is, if you can toggle it, there has to be like a timer on it so that people cant use it to evade.

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GLeU Send PM


Posts: 2,034

Arson said:

I do see a possible issue with the noting. I know when alching something noted on rs2, it alched the entire stack for the price of 1 item. Is there a way to alch notes individually in place, or was this not thought of?

No it didn't.

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Zeus Send PM


Posts: 141

Wat about hide stats?????

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Jebby Send PM


From: Australia - Kangaroo land.
Posts: 705

Hey alex, Those nude's of n0m are hot, Send me some more mate! Also, I gotta talk to you over Skype soon good news smile

Last edited by Jebby (14 Nov 2014 06:57)

- Jebby, Juzza, xox, Dragons Fury, exe - http://www.rscrevolution.com/ -
"errare humanum est, sed in errare perseverare diabolicum"

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Hobbster12 Send PM


Posts: 164

S O B BSpace said:

n0m said:

Bank interface - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wysk3xG27XA
Took me like 4-5 hours to make. But it is a lot better than the original in so many ways!

The battlefield -  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-19hZy6GnYQ

Very nice bank system, should make managing things a lot quicker.

Off topic:  Could you maybe take a quick look at the fatigue system for non-combat skills?  It's experienced based, and on high experience skills it gets tedious really fast.  You can't even cook a full inventory of sharks without having to sleep in between.  Same with cutting magic logs, cant even do a full load without having to sleep.  a 1-for-1 system would probably work better, 1 action = 1 fatigue.  Or at least a raise in exp amount for 1 fatigue.

Holy shit, this x1000.

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Double Send PM


From: City of Kings
Posts: 135

Nice, maybe I'll even start playing in the near future  tongue

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Zeus Send PM


Posts: 141

Hide stats plus maybe add the buttons in shop 5,10,20,50 plz it's about time we added these

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Blueberry Send PM


From: Ontario
Posts: 15

Zeus said:

Hide stats plus maybe add the buttons in shop 5,10,20,50 plz it's about time we added these

Read Mod Alex's post under "New Website". Stats can be hidden.


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vahnx Send PM


Posts: 272

I know I haven't been playing as of late but here's my feedback:
I'm against a new website - just improve on this one a bit at a time (such as a login button on the forum page). It's really good how it is and doesn't need to change much.
XP Rates - I've said this since day 1 of the re-launch: if they increase you should give everyone the ability to adjust their current XP if they'd like. ie: say you've trained strength and have 3 million xp when it was 2x, now that it's 3x you should be given 1.5 million strength xp to allocate (optional, so you don't force levels on people) And for those who grinded to 99, give them some other perk

Other than that the updates look good

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KizL Send PM


From: Seattle
Posts: 4,654

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Jusba Send PM


Posts: 253

S O B BSpace said:

In b4 we have 100 99hp'ers by the end of the year and most of em quit. Yay!

Thats what I'm thinking too. I hate these short term solutions. No one ever has a plan for next year when the wild is fucked.
Good luck.
Its also saying fuck you to those who came here for rsc.

Last edited by Jusba (14 Nov 2014 21:41)

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censored Send PM


Posts: 80

Jusba said:

S O B BSpace said:

In b4 we have 100 99hp'ers by the end of the year and most of em quit. Yay!

I hate these short term solutions.
Its also saying fuck you to those who came here for rsc.

They aren't solutions either. And yes it does...so much for this being something other than turnip.

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larsftw Send PM


Posts: 538

Jusba said:

S O B BSpace said:

In b4 we have 100 99hp'ers by the end of the year and most of em quit. Yay!

Thats what I'm thinking too. I hate these short term solutions. No one ever has a plan for next year when the wild is fucked.
Good luck.
Its also saying fuck you to those who came here for rsc.

how about you actually make a char and start training before you come and act like you know anything?
You say 1,5x/2x on RSCD was the best xp rate you have played yet? - this server (even with 4,5x) is slower than RSCD with 2x, because you arent immune to npc damage like you were on RSCD (with 50 def and addy full you could park your char on 80% of npcs) + you would hit all npcs at the "most used" trainingspots 100% of the time with 40 atk and r2h.

you cannot compare this servers xp rate to any other previous rsc servers, as the npc vs player formula is, more or less like rsc.

Last edited by larsftw (14 Nov 2014 23:47)


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padwan121 Send PM


Posts: 678

looking forward to the updates should be interesting.  tongue

Last edited by padwan121 (14 Nov 2014 23:36)

Time waits for no man..so what is your plan? Live a life of reget? Or a life you wont forget.

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n0m Send PM


Posts: 1,821

Hi.  I was waiting for Fate to finish new website so I improved the bank system a little more.


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JohnnyDolce Send PM


From: ESTonia
Posts: 42

n0m said:

Hi.  I was waiting for Fate to finish new website so I improved the bank system a little more.


Okay.. this is different.. but not scary different.

Rather gives hope that we CAN develop new items, quests, NPC-s and have improving updates that RSC would of had if RS2 hadn't come out. Good job!

we are eternal - all this pain is an illusion.

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S O B BSpace Send PM


Posts: 716

n0m said:

Hi.  I was waiting for Fate to finish new website so I improved the bank system a little more.


Are there still bank pages?  And if so, is there an easy way to arrange things from one page to another, or do you need to withdraw the item, switch pages, and depost?

Vet Paul
Iron Paul