Wilderness idea

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jmoneyy Send PM


Posts: 21

Just wondering why you would take out 1 day a week p2p for pking in edge wild.. first off it takes away from the money going around in game.. because me as a pker that 1 day a week would buy sharks, drag ammy rings super sets and so on.... second people who just pk and dont farm buy subs the odd time to stalk up on more expensive pk gear and so on.. so loss of money to subs.. dose whoever make these calls look over every option and get a majority say from the people online? I feel poor decision making on the server as of late.. I also understand it's a tuff role to run a game but look at it from all points of view before making decisions without even getting majority of The PLAYERS opinions..  can we get it back or vote. Or do we just not care as much?

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Fah King Vet Send PM


Posts: 43

That poll was held over 6months ago and it has been begged for by the community for over 4yrs.

Bout damn time tbh

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jmoneyy Send PM


Posts: 21

The poll was held over 6 months ago to completely take p2p out of wild under the fence... and it just happend now? I only pk on server and I'm always in wild and I never hear people complain about the 1 day a week p2p.. and like I said it just slows down money generation p2p gear is expensive.. rune arrows.. super sets sharks.. etc.. so now with that being gone 1 day a week. It slows down GP generation for players on server and also subs being bought.. simple math.. food for thought.

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Fah King Vet Send PM


Posts: 43

As for the 6months to change. IKR

We asked for the change for 5years before we got the poll. Soo....

It Also lowers the amount of items I need to enjoy a day of pk. Food for thought.. I see no way it effects sub purchases? And regardless, even if it did. That money ain't used on us. Besides $100 a month and $12 a year. So that's finally something that's +1 for players instead of dev's.

People still use plenty of those items. The one issue I see is increased demand of death runes and that price raising, they're high as is. Other than that itll all ride about the same.