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@yel@Start: @whi@Talk to the Bartender in Port Sarim
@yel@Difficulty: @whi@Easy
@yel@Length: @whi@Medium
@yel@Requirements: @whi@None
@yel@Items needed: @whi@3 goblin armours, 2 onions, 2 woad leaves, 3 redberries, 35 coins.

@whi@Talk to the @yel@Bartender@whi@ in Port Sarim. He's located in The Rusty Anchor in the building beside the fence separating Port Sarim and Draynor Village. The @yel@bartender@whi@ will tell you that some Goblins are fighting about the colour of their armour in their village. Head to Goblin Village, located to the north past Falador and Doric, and talk to either @yel@General Bentnoze@whi@ or @yel@General Wartface@whi@. The goblin will tell you that he would like orange-coloured armour. If you don't have any Goblin Armour on you, kill some Goblins until you have three of them.

@whi@To create @lre@orange dye@whi@, you'll need two @lre@onions@whi@, three @lre@redberries@whi@, and @lre@10 coins@whi@. Onions can be obtained from the field behind @yel@Farmer Fred's@whi@ house, located on the path leading from Draynor Village to Lumbridge. @lre@Redberries@whi@ are located to the west of the small mine south-east of Varrock. Once you have the two @lre@onions@whi@ and three @lre@redberries@whi@, visit @yel@Aggie@whi@ in Draynor Village. She can be found in the house that has two red dots in it on the mini-map (representing item spawns for cheese and tomato). Ask her to make you a @lre@red@whi@ and @lre@yellow dye@whi@. When you have both, use one on the other to mix them to create @lre@orange dye@whi@. Now use the @lre@orange dye@whi@ on the @lre@Goblin Armour@whi@. Return to Goblin Village and talk to one of the Goblin generals and they will take the orange armour. They will say they don't like the color and want to see dark blue-colored armour.

@whi@Go to Falador Park and talk to @yel@Wyson The Gardener@whi@ and ask about @lre@woad leaves@whi@. He offers to sell them to you for a price. Choose the highest price, @lre@20 gp@whi@, and he'll generously give you two woad leaves. Now go back to @yel@Aggie@whi@, have her create @lre@blue dye@whi@ (costs @lre@two woad leaves@whi@ and @lre@5 coins@whi@), use the dye on the @lre@goblin armour@whi@, and head back to Goblin Village. Talk to one of the generals again and give them the blue armour. Talk to the goblins and they will take the blue armour. Again, they will say they don't like the color, and instead want to see how light blue armour looks.

@whi@Talk to the generals with a regular @lre@Goblin armour@whi@ in your inventory, which they will take from you. The two generals like it and thank you for sorting their argument, bringing the quest to an end.

@whi@5 Quest Points
1 Gold bar
Crafting Experience = 1,000 x Current Rate

Last edited by Mod Cash (22 Sep 2017 04:51)
