Android original background music files?

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ohshtwaddup Send PM


Posts: 12

Back in the day, the little midi tracks were so atmospheric to rs for me. I cant find a way to get them to play on the android client. Is there a way to sownload all the midi files and have em play depending on location and stuff?

Thanks for the help,

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Billy Send PM

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From: Ardougne
Posts: 2,997

There were no songs in classic RS, those songs you're remembering were in fact from rs2, around 2004 or so, which is still pretty close to RSC times. I don't blame you for the mixed memory.

16-bit soundtrack would be pretty sweet, I've used 16-bit deathmetal covers for event videos before to imo good effect. But I don't think it is coming any time soon..

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lol Billy Mays' Quest Reviews lol

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KizL Send PM


From: Seattle
Posts: 4,654

Billy said:

There were no songs in classic RS, those songs you're remembering were in fact from rs2, around 2004 or so, which is still pretty close to RSC times. I don't blame you for the mixed memory.

16-bit soundtrack would be pretty sweet, I've used 16-bit deathmetal covers for event videos before to imo good effect. But I don't think it is coming any time soon..

16bit death metal music plz plz plz


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