Tip for Subs.

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CrohnsKid Send PM


Posts: 78

It is possible to make enough gold for double subs in a day or two, depending on how much you can play.    Here how I do it. I have my main account, this account training woodcut or fishing. And I multi log on my alt, merxxx, and go to edge dungeon chaos druids. There are always AFK'rs there. no dont kill them. Just telegrab all the unids. Use Dammy to tele to edge and bank. Get around 800-1k unids a day. Sell for 1.5k-2k each depending on how many 10 stacks you have in the end.

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runeknight95 Send PM


From: Pleb Nation
Posts: 916

EZ PZ Im always buying 10 stack unids

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Ghasp Send PM


From: Rock
Posts: 561

Subs and gp are very easy to obtain

Ribbit. Ribbit. CROAK.

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Ched Urcheez Send PM


From: Texas
Posts: 110

Problem is I'm on droid I cannot multilog believe me I've tried it won't let me plus I probably could if I played like I have no life but I really get to bored I really don't see how you people can alch like thousands of bows or fish thousands of sharks I don't love this game that damn much to commit that damn much time to it myself that's why I'm poor as fuck on here lol

Fight the boy become the man. Sit and watch as the young grow old

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KizL Send PM


From: Seattle
Posts: 4,654

heres how I make money. I wait til there's drop parties or events log in do said event/drop log out.

Repeat this for a year or so and you'll be rich. I've got like 15m from holiday drops. Never skilled or picked shit up once in this game.


IGN: Alerion, No Mercy, Attila and KizL
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