hotspot update

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Yasuo Send PM


Posts: 223

As of now the hot spot area is 150% xp.(For the party in control of it which is 3 players maxed)
The problem with this is 3 players are red skulled and they have 6 teammates next to them protecting them.(Making raiding this area impossible with 4 people)
Another problem is a level 3 can make a party and steal the hotspot.(If im on a level 50 I am unable to attack and just get trolled for hours)
Currently the hotspot is almost never raided.
Possible solutions-
Increase it so atleast 4 players can be in hotspot to achieve the bonus.(party does not have to be enabled) (The whole 3 people red skulled and 5 people training nonskulled in same area has got to go)
As of now (3 players who are in a party get bonus xp) Make it so the more players in the area reduces the percentage.(THE GOAL IS TO GET RID OF ALL PLAYERS BESIDE UR TEAM)(Not let 5 people train nonskulled because you're not losing xp)(YOU SHOULD FIGHT FOR SPOT)
Atleast 50 combat to challenge hotspot xp.


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Jacksoffalot Send PM


Posts: 3

i think if ur in control of the hotspot, you should be red skulled no matter where u are(but only gain the red skull boost inside hotspot), and if none of your party is in the hotspot, you lose the hotspot.

also the bandit camp hotspot should extend further south.