Current Situation and happy news!

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Fate Send PM


From: Sweden
Posts: 858

Hello fellow Scapers,

First of all, we would like to wish you guys an awesome Christmas with your family and happy holidays.

2014 been a long ride with good and bad moments. It been a rollercoaster let say! In this post i will explain what can be expected from RSCRevolution during 2015.

Team Departure and current situation

Recently as you noticed most of the team stepped down because we could not find the time to work on this project and i agree with their decisions. If you compare what we done recently to what we done in the begining, we slacked . Not because we wanted to but because we had obligations in real life.

I wont lie it did sadden me to see the lack of time we had to put on this project as this mean everything to me as we are not ready to grow up. We rather stay here, play this awesome game and enjoy what we always enjoyed in the past which is Scaping on this old graphic game.

In the last few weeks, n0m and i been rushing our life to make sure we can finally find the time again to make this all work. We been talking with Kevin which did seem interested to join the team again because he missed this whole experience which he loved and felt like he wanted to join again which is a good news for the team!

Holiday Drops

We will make a post later on today on what can be expected with those. We have multiple ideas and will make sure you guys can enjoy some nice Christmas drop!

We debating between doing it the normal way (rscrevolution world drops) or our own little way :-) We will be discussing bout this between staff and come back with the official answer.

2015 and the future

Now here come the fun part. We been discussing lot n0m,Kevin and i and thought that rscrevolution need to be developed to where it belong.

Currently every one know what RSC is , got all end game items , mostly all the high stats needed to cover what can be done with the game and know all the map / quests by heart.

With our coding skills , we can make RSC what we want without any problems. We been thinking bout adding two extra skills;


- Runecrafting (The real way and not a new island dedicated to RC with tons of crap)

- Carpentry (It would be fun to let players make their own house, decorate it with items they find in rscrevolution, Expend their houses with multiple rooms which could give them a lovely place to meet with friends, roleplay or even afk and have fun .)

Map, Items, NPC

The current continent is known to all and seems to get boring with time. We thought bout making a whole new continent were we could make new quests, new NPCs, new BOSS and Dungeons and new items (NOT OP ITEMS) . Things that would suit current RSC without being overpowered to break the feeling of classic considering the current system.

This is something where we would make sure everything suit with the current game and do not disturb anything without breaking the whole fun behind rsc and the storyline .

We are able to make it right and make sure everything would be in Synergy with the rest of the game.

As for items , we thought bout maybe finishing dragon and making it a better version of runite without being OP. We could introduce new skillers items, new cosmetic items, new type of armor. Special dye that could change current armor color. Everything is possible to be fair.

We will keep discussing bout all this to make the best decisions on this whole "New RSC" subject.

World 2

If you guys agree and we push this new concept, we want to introduce it on world 2. We would keep 1 world for the current RSC as we know it and one world with a FRESH START for this whole new concept.

This would give every one the chance to compete in a whole new atmosphere without the bugs we had in the past and all make sure we all have a huge fair competition.

To conclude, we would like to make our apology for not being present as we should have been and we will make sure we give you guys all the time we can give yall to make this right .

You guys been here to support us all the way and you guys deserve all our time.

As for what other staff that been demoted, we are sorry to see them go and support their decisions even if its sad for us to lose them.

We would like to thank them for everything they done for RSCRevolution and all the time they gave us to make this server a better place to me.

Keep in mind tho all that will be said is their opinions and might not reflect what we think/believe. There might be some frustration around and its understandable . We kind of let them down and its on us to fix what been done.

Once again, Merry X Mas, Happy holiday everyone and please be safe on the road and enjoy the rest of 2014!

Done in one take, because in life there are no repeats.

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Chrls brown Send PM


Posts: 145

Fresh start ? im sorry but you gotta be kidding me, i finaly made flats farmed all my stuff  made bank  and you wanna make a fresh start no thanks... copy our shit to the new world.

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Hobbster12 Send PM


Posts: 164

World 2? We have 40 to 60 people playing here on average. Sure, that may jump up for Christmas drops and we'll get 100 log ins (mostly from people logging in 4 characters to compete for drops), but splitting the server seems like a bad idea. All those updates and changes seem cool (minus the skills idea...), but I really don't want to put the effort into releveling, recollecting, rebuilding at the current rates.

So maybe the new server isn't for me. But honestly, take out the new skills idea and all you are talking about is filling out the default RSC game. Full dragon?? Love it. Should have been a thing back on live, but they made rs2 instead. Coloring armor? Sure, why not... Rune Trimmed was a thing, totally okay with it. The new quests and continent and monsters to support these things? Fuck yes.

Don't add new skills. Add new content instead that supports the original idea of rscrevolution.

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burdens Send PM


Posts: 35

First of all thanks for the update. Good to hear moving forward to RSCR

1. Replica, first priority should be to finish current world drops, quest and bugs.

2. The idea of a new world, separating worlds and starting over sounds like the straight up death of the server.

New and non-overpowered content sounds awesome however integrating without breaking the current game is going to be an extreme challenge.

Its my feeling and most I see's that replica is the hope for RSCR with a more serious attitude that things like cornflakes.

Best of luck to you all, Welcome back Kevin.



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baf Send PM


Posts: 37

frest start, thats a no no.

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Partizan Send PM


Posts: 289

Opening new server is going full pyru mode.  Would suck alot. Would get you maybe some new players. But you are spitting on those who have played it since may.  Also would show that you guys dont have consistency.

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Lord Raven Send PM


Posts: 11

I tend to agree with Hobbster on this. A second server would kill what activity we have, basically splitting the player base at best, leaving people with less interaction, a lower ability to buy/sell items, and a general disincentive to play the game. New quests/items would be a good idea, especially releasing the rest of the dragon items. I think if you want to make a new continent, that it can be done on the present server in this way: make it impossible to access by others until it is deemed ready, allow players to test it out by having test accounts made to access the area and play on it for a couple weeks, and at the end erase those test accounts. The new skills are an interesting idea and I would like to see some more info on them as you continue to flesh out that idea. Don't allow yourselves to become disinterested. Keep the ideas flowing and your initiative will continue to keep the player base here. There's still a lot of potential to the game and it's ideas like these that are needed to keep the game afloat.


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Fate Send PM


From: Sweden
Posts: 858

Thank you for your opinions. In the end it's up to you guys to decide. Maybe IF there would be a world 2 with this new concept, we could offer % transfer of your characters.. Anyways, lets see, let the ball be played in air for a little while. We will develop this concept and it will either be on world 2 if that's whats agreed in the end, or implemented in RSCR - Piece by piece.

Done in one take, because in life there are no repeats.

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Perrylidget Send PM


Posts: 8

I agree with the 'no fresh start' sentiment. I don't have another RSC fresh start left in me.

I think fixing the existing content should be first up. It may not be as flashy as a new continent, but I think players would appreciate development on the current content just as much as on brand new content.

Whatever you do, I appreciate all the hard work you put into this server. I'll be here until you turn the lights off for good.

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Kevin Send PM


Posts: 487

Hey Guys!

The "Fresh Start" was my idea as i always believed that lot of new content with a fresh start was better when a server overhaul the game but seems people are not interested in that so far.

I kind of understand why tho. With such rates, tons of time / effort been spent in training your characters .

We ll see what people think of all this and it ll help us to chose what to do and what not.

I can understand some people want to stay replica for various reasons and some might be scared of change but if change occur, be sure it ll be done in the best way that can be done as we care lot bout RSC as well. We wouldnt want to just destroy the game.

Thanks for all yall input.

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sellerane Send PM


Posts: 326

no fresh start no world 2. this is supposed to be repica if you want to add any features let us move the camera up and down or disable the roofs but I dont see why there should be dragon armor or runecrafting added.

[img=ModernBB BBCode Test][/img]

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Hobbster12 Send PM


Posts: 164

Dragon armor i can get behind because we already have some dragon armor. New skills I can't.

Also, camera work would be cool to have. The way they have it on Cupcakes is stupid though. Makes everything look like shit.

Last edited by Hobbster12 (22 Dec 2014 20:13)

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Fate Send PM


From: Sweden
Posts: 858

I would love to rework the client! big_smile Fix the zooms, disable roof option, change the chat area etc!

Done in one take, because in life there are no repeats.

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Oo Send PM


Posts: 176

Just an Idea.. on KingPk if im not mistaken, was a armor and 2h set which was higher then dragon something like Luke armour or something and lvl 156 knight or something dropped its pieces (rare drop) and there was always people and it was so much fun.

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Chrls brown Send PM


Posts: 145

i would like that you guys soon fix droptables on dragons demons and so on before doing anything els tbh

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Hobbster12 Send PM


Posts: 164

Already spammed Kevin about that in global. He said he was going to be looking into it.

Lets hope for drop tables as christmas gift.

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Craftzzzz Send PM


Posts: 39

hey, rscrevolution threw classic rscrevolution away, that being said:

no world2, skills, or dragon armor..  drop tables for leet monsters first.

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KizL Send PM


From: Seattle
Posts: 4,654

No to a new server restart.

Make rscr x8

Add portals that take runes to use for pures
Add rune crafting and carpentry that's a awesome idea.

Can we sleep in combat yet? If not fix that also.


IGN: Alerion, No Mercy, Attila and KizL
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Mblaster Send PM


Posts: 9

Priority of changes from my opinion is as follows:

1. Complete high level drop tables
2. Complete quests
3. Add new items (extend dragon with dragon chain, etc.)
4. Add new areas/monsters (maybe in combination with above)
5. Add new skills

Great to see the devs are engaged and planning to move forward with the server smile

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joe dirt Send PM


Posts: 499

Sounds Good,  If you plan on adding new skills how would you feel about slayer?

Last edited by joe dirt (23 Dec 2014 03:23)
