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Jusba Send PM


Posts: 253

larsftw said:

Jusba said:

S O B BSpace said:

In b4 we have 100 99hp'ers by the end of the year and most of em quit. Yay!

Thats what I'm thinking too. I hate these short term solutions. No one ever has a plan for next year when the wild is fucked.
Good luck.
Its also saying fuck you to those who came here for rsc.

how about you actually make a char and start training before you come and act like you know anything?
You say 1,5x/2x on RSCD was the best xp rate you have played yet? - this server (even with 4,5x) is slower than RSCD with 2x, because you arent immune to npc damage like you were on RSCD (with 50 def and addy full you could park your char on 80% of npcs) + you would hit all npcs at the "most used" trainingspots 100% of the time with 40 atk and r2h.

you cannot compare this servers xp rate to any other previous rsc servers, as the npc vs player formula is, more or less like rsc.

Yeah that will make a little difference. The more you level the faster it gets tho. Pbs have always taken dmg when training. Maybe they hit a bit less but I bet my testicles that wild will still be full of hybrids with crazy stats. I hope your right but I'm not gonna risk it for the 10359032905725th time. In a year maximum, wild will be silly. I bet this server will be much better than turnip tho. So people should definitely choose this over shitflakes.

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JohnnyDolce Send PM


From: ESTonia
Posts: 42

Sorry but this is really bugging me out, why does the client not load? I've checked my java, it's up to date, deleted the folder, tried launching it again. Same result.
Deleted all data regarding RSCR, re-downloaded, yet it still doesn't load the client but closes a second after launching it. I would post this is the bugs and support forums but the last topic I did there, never got answers so hoping for a quicker remedy here.

Everything was okay after the big update, and then I mentioned that wildy p2p was messed up and Alex did the quick fix, restarted server and after that I've been high and dry.

we are eternal - all this pain is an illusion.

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Alex Send PM


Posts: 601

JohnnyDolce said:

Sorry but this is really bugging me out, why does the client not load? I've checked my java, it's up to date, deleted the folder, tried launching it again. Same result.
Deleted all data regarding RSCR, re-downloaded, yet it still doesn't load the client but closes a second after launching it. I would post this is the bugs and support forums but the last topic I did there, never got answers so hoping for a quicker remedy here.

Everything was okay after the big update, and then I mentioned that wildy p2p was messed up and Alex did the quick fix, restarted server and after that I've been high and dry.

Sent you a PM in case you miss the notification.

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JohnnyDolce Send PM


From: ESTonia
Posts: 42

Thank you, that did the trick!

we are eternal - all this pain is an illusion.

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Nightkid Send PM


Posts: 16

Mage arena is still not fixed though.. ;(

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desperados Send PM


Posts: 79

New Website:
The website is currently under redesign and should be ready by this weekend. New interfaces, more convenient layouts, hiding stat options, bank organizers, and more in depth calculators will all be featured on the new website design. These are features players have been asking about, as well as some added conveniences in order to make playing on RSCR more about playing the game itself.

Thanks for this.
Any news on the mini-games, like CTF?

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n0m Send PM


Posts: 1,821

desperados said:

New Website:
The website is currently under redesign and should be ready by this weekend. New interfaces, more convenient layouts, hiding stat options, bank organizers, and more in depth calculators will all be featured on the new website design. These are features players have been asking about, as well as some added conveniences in order to make playing on RSCR more about playing the game itself.

Thanks for this.
Any news on the mini-games, like CTF?

Arena is already released.

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Partizan Send PM


Posts: 289

Yeah arena rocks. Tho this 5 lvl average req sucks imo. And there arent info about arena anywhere.  But its cool tongue. Also, i think there shouldnt be altar. As if there is altar fights only take place very close to altar and whole other arena is untouched.

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desperados Send PM


Posts: 79

vahnx said:

I know I haven't been playing as of late but here's my feedback:
I'm against a new website - just improve on this one a bit at a time (such as a login button on the forum page). It's really good how it is and doesn't need to change much.
XP Rates - I've said this since day 1 of the re-launch: if they increase you should give everyone the ability to adjust their current XP if they'd like. ie: say you've trained strength and have 3 million xp when it was 2x, now that it's 3x you should be given 1.5 million strength xp to allocate (optional, so you don't force levels on people) And for those who grinded to 99, give them some other perk

Other than that the updates look good

no way. this website is bleak and depressing. have you seen the screenshots of the new one. it's great.

EDIT: @nom, the new bank interface is awesome. I really have hope for this server again. Not shabby at all, looks like it really fits in game

dont lose faith RSCR devs, people will be back to this server. You guys are doing a great job
^sincerely meant.

Last edited by desperados (16 Nov 2014 20:59)

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Kevin Send PM


Posts: 487

JohnnyDolce said:

n0m said:

Hi.  I was waiting for Fate to finish new website so I improved the bank system a little more.


Okay.. this is different.. but not scary different.

Rather gives hope that we CAN develop new items, quests, NPC-s and have improving updates that RSC would of had if RS2 hadn't come out. Good job!

We can actually develop new items, quests, continent. Right now as i can see they want to make sure the current content is perfect. There is stuff to complete still.

In the future if this is what people want and staff want, sure its doable. We got the best devs left on the scene and judging they are studying more in dept coding, we could make RSC what it should have been if they did not give up.

Not only finish dragon but bringing a whole new continent with new story line , new skills that suit the game, new items, new mini games.

* This is something that been barely discussed between Fate and i and nothing is confirmed , right now its only speculation until confirmed by any staff in the future. do not take this granted.

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Zeus Send PM


Posts: 141

U back Kevin??? :-)

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Kevin Send PM


Posts: 487

Zeus said:

U back Kevin??? :-)

I am considering it. There is some stuff that need to be taken care of before i would consider this, If i come back its to be active full time. Right now i would not be able to.

I was asked if i wanted to come back and thought it would be awesome because i love this staff team, theserver and the players.

Before doing so, i would go trough the same process as anyone applying to be part of the staff as i believe i am not more special than anybody here. Everyone should be on a fair level and if people like my application and think i should be back on the team, it ll happen.

I also noticed that staff done an awesome job taking care of the servers even with everything that happen. (Its not easy to keep a server 100% under dev considering we all got real life. Taking this in consideration i still think they done awesome job.)

Also been really impressed by Alex job. Hes an awesome staff member. (All others as well)

There is also the fact i believe you guys really deserve a good server . Right now other servers in the scene are questionable (I wont go in dept why but you guys fairly know why)

So yeah, who know what future reserve big_smile

Last edited by Kevin (17 Nov 2014 03:35)

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Darksol Send PM


Posts: 13

Just wanted to say the new bank interface is FREAKIN' AWESOME!!!!!!!!!

We should this in 2002. What the hell were they thinking making such a clunky bank GUI?

Items withdraw and deposit so much quicker and smoother now....wow.  Notes are a great addition. Nearly perfect you guys did a perfect job on this!!!

The only thing I wanted to mention is that it's kinda dumb and confusing to possible new players to have notes and certs at the same time....may as well do away with certs maybe?

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S O B BSpace Send PM


Posts: 716

Darksol said:

The only thing I wanted to mention is that it's kinda dumb and confusing to possible new players to have notes and certs at the same time....may as well do away with certs maybe?

The certs are there because people who still had them in their bank need to uncert them.  Also, some monsters drop certs as well as the crystal chest.  So unless they convert all that stuff we still need the cert exchangers.

Vet Paul
Iron Paul

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desperados Send PM


Posts: 79

So.. wherre is the website? :\

@Darksol.. agreed.. should convert certs on players characters to notes.. 1:1 then 5:1 ratio is confusing as hell for new players.. not sure why rscrevolution did not introduce notes till RS2 really..

Last edited by desperados (18 Nov 2014 14:19)

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KizL Send PM


From: Seattle
Posts: 4,654

KizL said:

Where are the nude photos?



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