more active staff

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ikilledu1 Send PM


Posts: 3

I've been playing for over a month now and I've noticed a rather annoying problem. That is only a few staff members are actually active in the player community. Its almost like they are the only two staff members that actualy care for the game. Considering most players don't know that theres more then 2 mods and one admin whitch is not how it should be. Staff are here to keep server up and assist with the player community no matter how rediculous the question. That's the point of being staff. I feel as If the staff rules should be updated to require staff members to involve themselves with the community. My possible ideas for this are as follows:
1. State over global when a staff member logs on
2. Require an event from each staff member at least once everyothee month
3. Have a command that will tele you to any availible mod

These aware just a few general ideas but this problem keeps growing.

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Ghasp Send PM


From: Rock
Posts: 561

Let's see mod Billy mod Tru mod tee mod Verizon I see all frequently.

Admin I see Pluto and I only expect to see fate or n0m if the game is or has been having issues

Ribbit. Ribbit. CROAK.