Further explanation requested

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patioheater Send PM


Posts: 2

I appreciate that posting again following a ban appeal is unfavourable but I don't know how else to chase this up, and I feel the need to as I think there's been a mistake or misunderstanding...

In my last thread regarding why I was banned the answer was that I was caught botting. But that's the thing though - this is heartbreaking because I haven't used a bot at all.

If the concern was because of how much I was logged in this past week, its because I was in hospital from Sunday - Wednesday, so played rscrev on my phone like crazy. I can't think of what else could have caused you to think I was botting... do I not talk in game enough?

Did you try talk to me while I was afk for a bit? Perhaps one of the times I had to quickly get up and go to the toilet, for the same reason I was hospitalised. I'm not trying to write for sympathy just trying to explain why I may have been not talking for a couple of mins.

I wouldn't be chasing this up if I didnt believe I had been wrongly judged... because I haven't used a bot at all, it's as plain as that. I don't know how else to chase this up to clear it up.

If a ban for botting is only done with evidence, could I request to see the evidence? Because I still don't have a clue what could have led to this.

I greatly appreciate a server that is kept clean and free of cheats - but there must have been a mistake here because I can guarantee that I haven't once cheated. No bots, plain and simple. Hoping someone can help clear this up for me smile  Thanks for any help

Last edited by patioheater (20 May 2016 23:20)