quick withdraw/deposit

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Actumen Send PM


Posts: 142

We already have quick trade command ::offer, we should have something similar for withdraw/deposit from bank using item ID and number. Would make it so if I'm looking for a law rune and can't find it in my cluttered-as-fuck inventory, I can simply type ::withdraw 42 to withdraw a single rune, ::withdraw 42 100 for 100 runes, or even better, ::withdraw 42 all to empty my bank of law runes. Same goes for depositing, except make the command ::deposit.

I know "deposit all" has been requested before, but ::depositall could easily be made in conjunction with quick deposit.

This would also make it easier to repeatedly withdraw 15 of an item when, say, making potions or stringing bows, since "withdraw 15" is not an option.

Last edited by Actumen (29 Jan 2016 20:07)