Combine Armour to make Hardened Armour

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kweef Send PM


Posts: 75

As of right now Hardened Armour is used only for stakers and I think that is just really fucking dumb because I love the idea of better Armour being more common in the wilderness.

I think rune 2 hands having its owned version of Hardened would spice up pure pking the Pures are always complaining about not hitting tanks how about let combine 5 of there 2 hands to make a Hardened 2h  that gives the a few points in attack or strength.

My Idea is to combine 5 regular Armour piece to make 1 Hardened piece.
I would hope that every Armour from Iron to Dragon has a Hardened version.

I feel this would add a new dynamic to the wilderness as well as remove excess Armour from the game.

This would make smithers want to smith again!

Make Hardened Armour Great again!

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Kain1986 Send PM


Posts: 33

Great idea. Rune rock will be empty all the time wohoooo. No really, its a good idea.

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Nerdy Send PM


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Renevald Send PM


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Dum idea

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Semirotta Send PM


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Eww Bald Send PM


From: Cyberspace
Posts: 344

This will just negate the new update weakening defense so -1.  People will just complain it's too hard to hit.  What's really the problem is everything is devalued cuz of easy lvls.

"I see..." said the blind man as he pissed into the wind "It's all coming back to me now!".

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skillystr Send PM


Posts: 231

Interesting, +.5


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event Send PM


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