Changes are needed

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Stakez0r Send PM


Posts: 110

Kizl, you don't even play, your opinion is irrelevant.

Screaming weirdo.

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larsftw Send PM


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i support scotlands finest kilt wearer  2012 - 2017


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Synbios Send PM


Posts: 406

Third said:

lmao now I know you're trippin when you mention transfers from another server. what a ridiculous suggestion. Most players who are coming from another server have a chance at a completely new experience of rebuilding from scratch, which is half the pleasure of playing a server. Equipment tab is standard, why would someone risking full rune hold less food than the maxed pure who wears nothing but r2h and still has full invy of food.?? All yal talking about wiping all items ingame and starting from scratch obviously have nothing to lose, absurd suggestion in itself. People have played here for years to make the gains they have, you must be high to think the Admins would even consider that. BTW its ok for RSCR to "Stray from real RSC" its RSCRevolution NOT RSCReplica. The reason this server is so successful is because it has such neat modifications while still maintaining a respectable balance to the original game.

good post bro, absolutely true. this is why Kryptix's server was so great. 300 + online often and tons of solo-pk opportunities. I enjoy rscr but the pking has never been as good in comparison.

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KizL Send PM


From: Seattle
Posts: 4,654

Stakez0r said:

Kizl, you don't even play, your opinion is irrelevant.

Screaming weirdo.

Guess what I'll keep talking your fat ass should go play turnip.

Queeny tried to destroy this server on multiple occasions fuck this dude. He duped, advertised other servers and bots. Not loyal at all.


Last edited by KizL (19 Mar 2018 15:44)

IGN: Alerion, No Mercy, Attila and KizL
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o0ps13 Send PM


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Yeah let's just pretend Kizl never ran off to the pyru/Leg start ups, all over the forums, sucking pyru's or davve's cawk trying to get mod and have his ideas implemented then running back here with his tail between his legs when he doesn't get it, omg breuh u so not loyalz bro u r cancferr brooo omfg

Last edited by o0ps13 (20 Mar 2018 11:55)


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KizL Send PM


From: Seattle
Posts: 4,654

o0ps13 said:

Yeah let's just pretend Kizl never ran off to the pyru/Leg start ups, all over the forums, sucking pyru's or davve's cawk trying to get mod and have his ideas implemented then running back here with his tail between his legs when he doesn't get it, omg breuh u so not loyalz bro u r cancferr brooo omfg

Lol lies Dustin is a shit bag and I've never done anything but try and ruin anything he's ever made.

Davve was a friend of mine and asked me to check it out so I looked at it whooopy do. I never even played it past lvl 3.

So gg cry harder bitch boy.


IGN: Alerion, No Mercy, Attila and KizL
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Pepsi Send PM


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Combat Formula Testing is starting soon.  N0m made a board in discord!
Anyone wanting to test, please join discord and get your name on list!

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Chaotixx In Exile Send PM


Posts: 41

Fully agree that character transfers should happen, as long as its bulletproof and secure.

No harm in allowing players from other servers to join,
just give them stats of 99 99 99 (1mage) (1 prayer).

Last edited by Chaotixx In Exile (21 Mar 2018 08:35)

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am legend Send PM


Posts: 80

Synbios said:

Third said:

lmao now I know you're trippin when you mention transfers from another server. what a ridiculous suggestion. Most players who are coming from another server have a chance at a completely new experience of rebuilding from scratch, which is half the pleasure of playing a server. Equipment tab is standard, why would someone risking full rune hold less food than the maxed pure who wears nothing but r2h and still has full invy of food.?? All yal talking about wiping all items ingame and starting from scratch obviously have nothing to lose, absurd suggestion in itself. People have played here for years to make the gains they have, you must be high to think the Admins would even consider that. BTW its ok for RSCR to "Stray from real RSC" its RSCRevolution NOT RSCReplica. The reason this server is so successful is because it has such neat modifications while still maintaining a respectable balance to the original game.

good post bro, absolutely true. this is why Kryptix's server was so great. 300 + online often and tons of solo-pk opportunities. I enjoy rscr but the pking has never been as good in comparison.

I'm not 100% Sure if i remember this right, but im pretty sure Luke allowed transfers from Angel, when he opened turnip.

And back then, the server was more shit than it is these days. Not trying to flame Luke, but people act like Pyru started all the shady shit. BAck then the coders and admins would spawn mass gp and sell it, set stats to all of their friends, even i who got listbanned everytime i log on got a set staker from one of the admins back then.

And back then almost 10 years ago, there was hundreds of more players in the scene, people were way younger, everyone is just growing old and the game is dieing day by day, how can't you guys see it? big_smile If you want this game to survive as long as possible, you do NEED all of the players under 1 server, if you're that close minded and you can't even realize it, well, you're the ones to blame when shit goes down gg


You were talking about how things were better for solo pkers when cornflakes opened, that was '09 almost 10 years back, and way more unique players as i mentioned. now in 2018 90% of those pkers has quit, it's the same group pretty much keeping it alive, and these new servers every 6 months and corrupted admins fucking everything up are the reason everyone has quit, if we got everyone under 1 server, This, some other, it doesn't matter, you would have way more unique players, way more solo pkers again, blah blah blah... look at the bigger picture my friends.. I've played 95% Servers that there has been, and yes there has been more than turnip and l3g4cy for you new people, like a 100 more, and i've seen why they all failed and went down, so trust me i know what i'm talking about.

Last edited by am legend (21 Mar 2018 13:42)

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o0ps13 Send PM


Posts: 232

meh, moodys reopening again so its impossible

pkers quitting at somewhat rapid rates year by year and they are never replaced, it's not sustainable for any server. only new people that join servers these days are random rsc skillers or OSRS players but here everyone is acting like it's some kinda private club where only the most loyal of gentlemen are allowed to log in, all the decent players quit now it's just toxicity left and 2 huge teams on every server. give it a year they'll all be dead in terms of PKing, transfers basically arent a possibility with moody reopening and refusing to work with n0m and hixk being MIA with the other most recent database however theres still plenty more that could be done to attract PKers from elsewhere but it's simply not being done, skilling stuff is more important 99% of the time, stubbornness, close mindedness and outright arrogance and stupidity will be the death of all rsc servers, give up everyone there's no hope find new games


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am legend Send PM


Posts: 80

o0ps13 said:

skilling stuff is more important 99% of the time, stubbornness, close mindedness and outright arrogance and stupidity will be the death of all rsc servers, give up everyone there's no hope find new games

This is what i dont understand, Pkers realize that the server needs both skillers and pkers, but skillers act like they could play fine without pkers, but every server has died when the pkers has left, and thats the truth. Sadly, they always try to save their shit too late once everyone is already gone, y not do something before it?

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Zach Nocare Send PM


Posts: 25

+1 to all

Also @Nom. I think a 4 year anniversary event would be useful.

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JediMindTrix Send PM


From: Nerdville
Posts: 659

Zach Nocare said:

+1 to all

Also @Nom. I think a 4 year anniversary event would be useful.

1st to max out on rscrevolution and 3rd.
Only player with 3 maxed accounts active on rscrevolution. 1 over a billion xp 1 over 600m and 1 over 300m.
Only player to max out more then once on rscrevolution.

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cunnilingus11 Send PM


Posts: 72

Mod Pepsi said:

Combat Formula Testing is starting soon.  N0m made a board in discord!
Anyone wanting to test, please join discord and get your name on list!
