Transfers from Cornflakes?

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Pepsi Send PM


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118 uniques

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Pepsi Send PM


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Please take this argument to PM or something.  It is completely taking away from the topic.
Thank you.

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JediMindTrix Send PM


From: Nerdville
Posts: 659

Mod Pepsi said:

118 uniques

Ty my point proven np pepsi wont waste my time on that mindless fool.

1st to max out on rscrevolution and 3rd.
Only player with 3 maxed accounts active on rscrevolution. 1 over a billion xp 1 over 600m and 1 over 300m.
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o0ps13 Send PM


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JediMindTrix said:

Mod Pepsi said:

118 uniques

Ty my point proven np pepsi wont waste my time on that mindless fool.

Proven what exactly? That ''118'' unique people is sustainable and good enough? You're just here to be an unnecessary troll. You said yourself in another thread tonight you don't care if the game lives or dies, so why are you here trolling and being a nuisance. You derailed this thread, not me, by saying that if you played another server you don't deserve to get stats on this one. Cancer mate, you really are.


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Pepsi Send PM


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No one is a mindless fool.
This topic is for a legitimate discussion, not for arguing.
People who have been displaced from the server they played have the right to ask, just as much as the admins here have the right to approve or decline.   However, they really do not want to read a flame war over it.
Actual pro and con discussion is all that really needs to be on this topic.

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Ranch is life Send PM


Posts: 27

Pros if there is transfer : triple the unique playercount
cons if there isnt a transfer : servers stay split in 3 and the glory days never return

also known as :
SOSA, KNACK ,sirtheodore,runemed,gucci ,argentina

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Eww Bald Send PM


From: Cyberspace
Posts: 344

Ranch is life said:

Pros if there is transfer : triple the unique playercount
cons if there isnt a transfer : servers stay split in 3 and the glory days never return

What's your idea of the glory days?  Like specifics.  Is it just unique users or it it more than that?  I think it's also an influx of new people not from another server because rs was a mix of new and old players and this added to the fun.

If we can all agree what the glory days were wouldn't that be a start towards bringing them back?

"I see..." said the blind man as he pissed into the wind "It's all coming back to me now!".

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am legend Send PM


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JediMindTrix said:

Mod Pepsi said:

118 uniques

Ty my point proven np pepsi wont waste my time on that mindless fool.

Are you really this stupid? I dont even play on here, i log on every now n then to check things out, but you think 118 unique, on weekend night when its ''free pk'' is good enuf? I mean it's best that we got atm probably yeah, but when it could be like 200, why not? This game is dying really year by year slightly more, and this would be great way to get the community together under 1 place. Me for sure, and probably around 20 pkers that i know would move over here, not even mentioning all the other people who would also.

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Ranch is life Send PM


Posts: 27

Eww Bald said:

Ranch is life said:

Pros if there is transfer : triple the unique playercount
cons if there isnt a transfer : servers stay split in 3 and the glory days never return

What's your idea of the glory days?  Like specifics.  Is it just unique users or it it more than that?  I think it's also an influx of new people not from another server because rs was a mix of new and old players and this added to the fun.

If we can all agree what the glory days were wouldn't that be a start towards bringing them back?

nonstop pk action and mad staking.

also known as :
SOSA, KNACK ,sirtheodore,runemed,gucci ,argentina

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sirpyrrhic Send PM


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if they like rscrevolution they will eventually end up over here. i dont see what the fuss is all about. It's n0m's call on what to do not ours.

I miss pking in chaos druid robes and bunny ears

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Trupk3r Send PM


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lol, what happend to lega?

Where's Pluto now???

Ex RSCRevolution Moderator.

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Ultimate Fatal Final Acid Send PM


Posts: 28

Pro and Con discussion? As in no arguing about if it should be done or not is the message I am receiving. I may just have about 140M combat XP not to mention over 10 pures that I paid for members on each. All they need is an outdated copy of L data base which is fine with me as I quit playing for months.

@Trupk3r Pluto either left L or sold it to Zack.

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KizL Send PM


From: Seattle
Posts: 4,654

Don't transfer any of those accounts that's their fault for playing that shit server. Suck it up bitches. RSCR is the only legit server start fresh and quit crying.


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Ultimate Fatal Final Acid Send PM


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KizL said:

Don't transfer any of those accounts that's their fault for playing that shit server. Suck it up bitches. RSCR is the only legit server start fresh and quit crying.


Just imagine losing 10+ rares and over 260M xp, realizing that you spent over a year grinding and have over 800 forum posts. Also contributing to lega with accepted ideas and feedback. Not being able to pk anymore on 10+ pures that you trained. Having lost over 250 dollars... I don't think you understand why people want a transfer.

But yea, 7 days and Lega will be back up again.

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JediMindTrix Send PM


From: Nerdville
Posts: 659

KizL said:

Don't transfer any of those accounts that's their fault for playing that shit server. Suck it up bitches. RSCR is the only legit server start fresh and quit crying.


1st to max out on rscrevolution and 3rd.
Only player with 3 maxed accounts active on rscrevolution. 1 over a billion xp 1 over 600m and 1 over 300m.
Only player to max out more then once on rscrevolution.

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ateam Send PM


Posts: 34

KizL said:

Don't transfer any of those accounts that's their fault for playing that shit server. Suck it up bitches. RSCR is the only legit server start fresh and quit crying.


The same shit heads who leave everytime a new server opens, aren't even worth having here.

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ateam Send PM


Posts: 34

Ultimate Fatal Final Acid said:

KizL said:

Don't transfer any of those accounts that's their fault for playing that shit server. Suck it up bitches. RSCR is the only legit server start fresh and quit crying.


Just imagine losing 10+ rares and over 260M xp, realizing that you spent over a year grinding and have over 800 forum posts. Also contributing to lega with accepted ideas and feedback. Not being able to pk anymore on 10+ pures that you trained. Having lost over 250 dollars... I don't think you understand why people want a transfer.

But yea, 7 days and Lega will be back up again.

Until the next drama they have,

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Ultimate Fatal Final Acid Send PM


Posts: 28

New quote from Zack on Discord;

Been a steady road of ups and downs; thrills and chills for RSCLegacy as of late.

However each member of the community who played here before fairly and contributed to the pretty awesome overall experience the server was; are certainly welcome to return and take their rightful places back withing the RSCLegacy community.

Due to the bumps along the way there are going to be individuals who aren't necessarily wanting to come home or see RSCLegacy move forward into the future; if that is the case for any of our visitors:
Thanks for coming by but feel free to  take care of yourselves away from here.

As there are more than ample folks ready to take back what's theirs and move this into the future.

Best regards and looking forward to the future together.

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anothernewcharlol Send PM


Posts: 13

pro's bring more players here and makes rscr even better , cons brings all the people that think its ok to bot and ruins game play for every1 that knows you can't bot and have no interest in botting. also if they do decide to do the transfers they need to wipe their banks and all skills , combats are fine they can keep str/att/def/prayer/magic/range. but their banks are to be wiped. with how pyru let people bot/buy set stats etc no thanks. And this whole thing about what they are losing they made the choice to switch servers and not stay here so I don't want to hear about that tbh. the grass isn't always greener on the other side. and yes they had to learn that the hard way but that's their problem. I agree transfer can be a great idea but at the end of the day the admins/owners of the game are going to decide.

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am legend Send PM


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anothernewcharlol said:

pro's bring more players here and makes rscr even better , cons brings all the people that think its ok to bot and ruins game play for every1 that knows you can't bot and have no interest in botting. also if they do decide to do the transfers they need to wipe their banks and all skills , combats are fine they can keep str/att/def/prayer/magic/range. but their banks are to be wiped. with how pyru let people bot/buy set stats etc no thanks. And this whole thing about what they are losing they made the choice to switch servers and not stay here so I don't want to hear about that tbh. the grass isn't always greener on the other side. and yes they had to learn that the hard way but that's their problem. I agree transfer can be a great idea but at the end of the day the admins/owners of the game are going to decide.

Why are you talking about Pyru? He has nothing to do with Cornflakes. And yes, they were talking about combat stats only, nothing to do with banks or skills.

''Bring all the people that think its ok to bot.'' You would be suprised how many '' botters'' and botted accounts, and bots there are out for this server, L3g, turnip, any server from the past there always has and will be bots, and the staff will always keep pushing forward and punish the people for botting, its a never ending cycle, and you probably, or 98% of this community anyways use to bot on real RSC, oh the irony..

''They made the choice to switch servers and not to stay here'' Are u this stupid? There has been like 100 servers, so you're saying because people chose to play somewhere else, they shouldn't play here? I guess this is the first private server you've ever played? Atleast you sound as idiot as someone in that position would be.

Instead all of that drama and bullshit, why dont you just want and try to get the whole community under 1 roof? It's a dying scene, not like theres gonna be thousands of new players anymore, people are growing older and older and the communitys getting smaller. Work with what you got and try to get everyone, or as many as you can into the same place. I don't even play here, and i'm saying this because that is what would be best for the game. Leave the past behind you and move forward my friend.

Last edited by am legend (19 Mar 2018 22:16)