Plans for New years

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Pig Send PM


From: Montreal, tabernak
Posts: 70

I think what you did for Christmas was great, but the 1/9000 drop rate was maybe a slight bit low.

I choose #2 and the reasons why are as follows:

a- The staff need a bit of a break after the holiday. None of us want to wear you out and even though you are all very modest and did a very good job, I think we should not try to burn anyone out either. Option 1 will require a lot of time and effort, just to make sure nobody is complaining for a gift after..

b- Quests are a 1 time thing, everyone will do it once for the gift and then it is over. The fun does not continue over the 3 days, and neither would the excitement of grinding and randomly getting rare drops. This will not increase general player count or play time, or at least VERY modestly compared to drops being available across 3 days.

c- In drop form, everyone should theoretically have an equal chance to get items. Whereas with a quest, new players will be excluded. If new players aren't necessarily excluded, then that would mean your requirements are easy enough to build 10 accounts for anyway, totally defeating the purpose.

Multi-logging is legal, and practically unavoidable with all the technology available.
Why is it now after we've been given the gift of android compatibility that everyone is obligated to conform? Aren't you just happy to be able to play?? That's like a homeless guy getting a sandwich and turning around and getting angry because everyone else is eating 3. Instead of complaining, if you want more sandwiches, buy them!

If you're gonna complain that dedicated players (most of which paid our machines 2-5X that of a phone), have more chance of getting rares, you might as well complain that we have more chance at HnS, Pking, collecting resources, etc, etc... Which has never been an issue until we were so lucky to have the chance to enjoy this great place on our phones.

I just want to state that I do not believe any of this to be fact, only my educated opinion and I hope it will be accepted in a positive manner.
Thank you for reading my story and keep up the great work guys, you have built an awesome place for us RSC nerds. <3
(P.S. Very excited about the 2nd double XP, thanks so much guys!)


IGN: Ajax

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Modoc Send PM


Posts: 55

Idea one sounds awesome.

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killraiden Send PM


Posts: 6

I say number 1

Make pet dragons a thing

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Zanzark Send PM


Posts: 4

ZAMORAK RUNE TRIM! (Idea 1) #GodArmours

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Faded Blurrrrr Send PM


Posts: 8

Idea one, make them kill a king black dragon to get the quest done!  LIMIT  1 PER IP  hahahhaha!

Last edited by Faded Blurrrrr (31 Dec 2015 02:21)

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i3lunt t0k3r Send PM


From: NJ
Posts: 1,053

Number 2

Ignore the hate the fake and the funny shit

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Snosaven24 Send PM


From: on the toilet
Posts: 94

+1 for idea 1

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JayJay3 Send PM


Posts: 133

I vote 1. I like the requirements idea. That way one person won't get a bunch.. thanks for all the hard work!

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joe dirt Send PM


Posts: 499

Idea 1 is much better it is fair for all willing to put in an effort.

Big negative for number 2 is you can farm all day and get nothing  and that only angers players.

Also -1 on adding an IP limit everyone and their dog knows how to proxy anyways.

More rares the better, it only helps boost stake scene activity and makes it easier for newer players to obtain one

I also like the idea of giving the mods some my suggestion 3 per mod that is 15 total and events are generally fun.

Fun fact - rare items were originally called " holiday items " and meant to be something for fun not for easy GP gains big_smile

On another note welcome back hope you enjoyed the break and happy new years!

Last edited by joe dirt (31 Dec 2015 06:27)


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Evan Send PM


Posts: 254

Would be really lame if you guys released a bunch of phats in the game when a lot of loyal (and thus usually rich) players use phats as currency.

To make it easiest on you guys I would say just have either: map drops or monster drops with the prize being black/different colored p hats.

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KizL Send PM


From: Seattle
Posts: 4,654

Xpansion said:

KizL said:

I'll never get a rare then. xD SKILLING IS A NO GO HERE.



^ This lol, my highest skill total is 631. World drop would be cool but a lot of people would miss it because of going out to party ;D

Have like 6 world drops with different countries in mind for each one then.

World drops are the shit and is the most fair plus F*&K making holiday items rares they're holiday items and the greedy kids can f*&k off if you ask me. wink

Lets kill phat prices!


Last edited by KizL (31 Dec 2015 05:15)

IGN: Alerion, No Mercy, Attila and KizL
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GreenKing Send PM


From: Oregon
Posts: 311

Random world drops!

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Jamestrente Send PM


Posts: 19

+1 on quest

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Posts: 102

idea #1

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GLeU Send PM


Posts: 2,034

+1 quest

+1 to black party hats.

Last edited by GLeU (31 Dec 2015 07:04)

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mattorion Send PM


Posts: 5

Quest all the way

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Havalian Send PM


Posts: 69

I like the quest idea; I think it would be fun to do! I would like to see a rare type item that is given to everyone   Maybe create orange party hats and spawn them all over the map every 60 minutes for 2-3 days.  That way everyone can have as many as they want.  I dunno.. maybe you can only wear it if you complete the quest?

I'm going to play no matter what.

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Turilas Send PM


Posts: 94

Quest or world drops. New rare.

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Gullak Send PM


Posts: 47

why not both ? quest and npc drops in wild at a low rate, some people dont got much time over the hollydays to skill to get stats osv, so doing both will add a few more crackers ( that realy dosent mather ) and give the new casuals a small chance aswell.


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