Wind of change to the public chat

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Fate Send PM


From: Sweden
Posts: 858


we have noticed that RSCR public chat has become an uncontrolled space full of insults, flaming and ect., it is giving our server a bad vibe and we have made a decision to fix it. From now on, we are aiming towards a respectful and enjoyable global chat, where we are trying our best to make the community an enjoyable place and to ensure the newcomers continue playing.

There are no changes being made how our public chats work, but our pking channel is no more an “anything goes” place, it is still a chat is for player-killing related talk, you are allowed to taunt players, however going after someone, harassing them and insulting someone is not allowed, if you are seeking vengeance on the person that has just killed you, you must do it without breaking the rules. Same rules apply to the general, pking chats and personal messages.

The rules are:

  • No racism or sexism;
  • No sexualy explicit content;
  • No derogatory statements, including personal insults;
  • No real life threats;
  • No sharing of personal information (names, skype contacts, ip addresses, etc.);
  • No spamming;

For breaking these rules staff member may give you a mute depending on the severity of your offence and players past history of breaking the chat rules.

If you feel the need to vent, and rant about whatever is on your mind, you can use the off-topic section on the forum.

Best regards,
RSCRevolution Staff.

Done in one take, because in life there are no repeats.

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maxkill Send PM


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Last edited by PALLO (15 Nov 2015 19:31)

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Mod Tru Send PM


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hulkamaanio Send PM


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rather than disabling ::2 for new players, you become north korea and give your mods more work to do, cause ur lazy bitch

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Oopsie Send PM


Posts: 701

silly update. if u dont want ''new players'' to be offended by some words, make a pop up box when somebody logs in (outside of wilderness) saying hai welkom to rscrevolution if u think u might be offended by some words feel free to use the ::toggle and ignore list features, i hope u enjoy ur stays!!!!!!

but instead u go north korea, this will just cause problems more than solving them.

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KizL Send PM


From: Seattle
Posts: 4,654

+1 should always have been like this. Only people who'll complain are the people doing it.

And they can f**k off. wink ..l..

Do it like facebook too, first time 1 day second time 1 day 3rd 1 week and 4th 30 days EVERY TIME after that.


Last edited by KizL (15 Nov 2015 22:11)

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hulkamaanio Send PM


Posts: 85

this server surely was fun but i wont support this kinda love you shit peace

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Posts: 376

KizL said:

+1 should always have been like this. Only people who'll complain are the people doing it.

And they can f**k off. wink ..l..

Do it like facebook too, first time 1 day second time 1 day 3rd 1 week and 4th 30 days EVERY TIME after that.


i think its stupid and i doubt i do it

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Actumen Send PM


Posts: 142

lmao "kinda love you?" Nah, it's about cultivating a welcome image/attitude for all people. RSCR will always be a 40-player-online, 2nd class private server if every time someone signs up "lmao killed u n****r f*g how dare u ima f*kken heat u an ur mom el oh el haha newf*gs f*ckoff learn 2 catch b*tch" is the first thing they see. The mouth-breathing "tough bro" image of some players on this server is a major turnoff even as a long-time player. Lots of misogynistic and xenophobic attitudes here.

That said, feel free to continue to feel and express those ideas. Just no need for it to be the dominant mode of conversation on this server, which–for the most part–it has been.

And honestly these rules are well overdue, most servers (and, for that matter, communities on the internet at large) already have the exact same rules in place. It's not "love you shit" to update a server's policies to the real world. Straight up I have a few friends who I'd gladly invite to this server except I'm legitimately embarrassed of how general chat is here.

Anyway, serious +1 to these rules. Thank you for finally enforcing them smile

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GLeU Send PM


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lol such bitches. you're all mad now because you cant go around calling someone a brother or a love anymore in game. boo fucking hoo. we all know if you did it in real life you would get your teeth kicked in. here its just a mute. suck it up you spoiled little bitches. the language is completely uncalled for, and shows nothing but immaturity. the way most of you run your mouth would literally land you in prison for hate crimes in some countries.

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KlausNomi Send PM


Posts: 11

This was why I had general chat turned off 95% of the time, great update

was hella awkward, when my rscrevolution-noob gf wanted to play after watching me, for her to see some mouthbreather 'joke' about dumping girls bodies in a ditch

Last edited by KlausNomi (16 Nov 2015 00:16)

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GreenKing Send PM


From: Oregon
Posts: 311

What about offensive character names? Lol

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napo Send PM


Posts: 4

Thank you!

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lilranger Send PM


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Oopsie Send PM


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idk online reflects way server is atm tbh if u ask me

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padwan121 Send PM


Posts: 678

It's about time in all honesty. Rip Sirid.

Time waits for no what is your plan? Live a life of reget? Or a life you wont forget.

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n0m Send PM


Posts: 1,821

padwan121 said:

It's about time in all honesty. Rip Sirid.

Sirid has been unable to talk in game or forums ever since he went full friend, so he's not missing out on anything.

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the fact is that rsc has alot of retards and why is it hard to give retards a channel to talk on? since you created ::2 most shit talkers moved to ::2, but since you failed to disable ::2 for new players you are now gonna go after shit talkers. Let me tell you something, take a closer look on the people that play rsc, everyone has a fuckin skeleton in closet and is pretty best friend, if you are gonna mute ur best friend players, ur just gonna lose them to cornflakes.