Server Skill Rates

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Hobbs Send PM


Posts: 1,079

Combat (Att, Def, Str & HP):
-Non-sub: 8x
-Subscriber: 9x
-Wilderness: + 1x

These only affect Att, Def, Strength and HP. We have, due to the xp increase, made Quest XP only half of the base rates (so 4x, 4.5x subbed). This way people won't go from 1 to 60 defense by doing Dragon Slayer.

For Prayer, Magic, and Range - these xp's have also been increased.

Combat (Prayer, Magic, Range):
-Non-sub: 3x
-Subscriber: 4x
-Wilderness: + 1x

We upped these a small amount in recognition of how they affect combat levels. It made sense that if something can directly affect your CB, then it should be boosted as well.

For all other skills, they essentially remain the same. Instead of 0.5x+ for subscribers we have increased it to 1.0x.

Skilling Rates:
Non-Sub: 2x
Subscriber: 3x

Fatigue Rate:
-The fatigue rate is slowed down by 50%. Subscribers have an additional 25% slow down.

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Arbernix Send PM


Posts: 6

Fishing woodcutting it'it's all crazy is it possible for us to click once and just continue to fish or woodcut? To much clicking!

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larsftw Send PM


Posts: 538

woodcutting - get a better axe
fishing - get higher fishing level wink


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Hobbs Send PM


Posts: 1,079

All skills are batched so once you get lvl 20, you will attempt the same action twice. At lvl 50, you repeat actions 5x.

As for woodcutting and mining, they are based off the item you use. Rune Pickaxe (lvl 41 requirement) will attempt to mine a rock 11 times before having to reclick. A Rune Hatchet (woodcutting, has no skill requirement to use) will attempt 7 times.