Banned! For plugging RSCR.

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Llamakhan Send PM


Posts: 9

I have been banned from r/gaming for telling people about RSCR.

A sad day.

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Billy Send PM

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From: Ardougne
Posts: 2,997

Sorry about your subreddit ban!

When we advertise we like to follow this rule:

Always follow local guidelines wherever you represent RSCRevolution.

On subreddits and other internet communities, it's important to pay attention to the community guidelines and make sure that your post follows them. First impressions can matter a great deal! So if advertising is only permitted under certain conditions, make sure those conditions are met. If advertising is not allowed, then don't advertise to begin with.

There's not much we can do to control what players post outside of RSCR, but Kleio and I believe this guideline should probably be added to the Terms of Service to avoid further confusion. That way, there's less of a chance that someone's legitimate efforts would go to waste because of some technicality.

[img][/img]Read the rules: Automated play is a bannable offense![img][/img]
lol Billy Mays' Quest Reviews lol

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KizL Send PM


From: Seattle
Posts: 4,654

I'm banned from like 90 subreddits for that. I just create new accounts and keep on truckin.


IGN: Alerion, No Mercy, Attila and KizL
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KizL Send PM


From: Seattle
Posts: 4,654

E N K O said:

KizL said:

I'm banned from like 90 subreddits for that. I just create new accounts and keep on truckin.


That doesnt make the community look very good.

Its not like I do the exact same thing again. Smh

You learn and adapt. I've been advertising this server since day 1.

Believe me when I say i know how Reddit works my dude and i know what is what.

I should have worded that differently but whatevs.


Last edited by KizL (19 Sep 2018 06:07)

IGN: Alerion, No Mercy, Attila and KizL
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Synesthesic Send PM


From: Heroes Guild
Posts: 160

Oftentimes any publicity is good publicity.

No.1 Ranger

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KizL Send PM


From: Seattle
Posts: 4,654

Synesthesic said:

Oftentimes any publicity is good publicity.



IGN: Alerion, No Mercy, Attila and KizL
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