Multi logging

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Llamakhan Send PM


Posts: 9

Bullshit! Grinding hard on one character  and some sob out there is running 3 chars at a time.
What some people will do to gain an edge I guess, looks a lot like cheating though.

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JediMindTrix Send PM


From: Nerdville
Posts: 659

Cheaters always win bruv.....NOT!

1st to max out on rscrevolution and 3rd.
Only player with 3 maxed accounts active on rscrevolution. 1 over a billion xp 1 over 600m and 1 over 300m.
Only player to max out more then once on rscrevolution.

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BreakIt Send PM


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If you can't beat them, join them.

...or make an ironman.

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hit em up Send PM


Posts: 27

if you cant run multiple clients idk what to tell you

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HankBlockHitta Send PM


From: EdgeBlock
Posts: 30

hit em up said:

if you cant run multiple clients idk what to tell you

No face, No case!

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KizL Send PM


From: Seattle
Posts: 4,654

Any other mmorpg you'd be banned for it.  wink


IGN: Alerion, No Mercy, Attila and KizL
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KizL Send PM


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beatdown said:

KizL said:

Any other mmorpg you'd be banned for it.  wink


That's just plain wrong.

Another piece of misinformation..

Unsure why you are allowed to post still

Actually you're plain wrong. Multi boxing gets you banned fast af on wow you chode.

Also, because I'm God. Combating with the likes of shit tier ppl like you.


IGN: Alerion, No Mercy, Attila and KizL
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Logic4 Send PM


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i run 6 chars at a time

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Dunkonjordan23 Send PM


Posts: 37

what is wrong with multi boxing? learn 2 adapt. people multi well even when theyre droid only.... before i used 2 pk on pc i would multi u on droid.... u can bait some1. have an alt parked. let them, chase u. siwtch screens and catch off urself.... but since were on the multi subject if ur in the wild ur fair game.... and who was it? they're probably good enough 2 beat u solo if ur complaining bout it.... in reality they need 2 remove 1ip from wild and put a max amount of chars say 3 for instance per IP. that gives u 2 to train and 1 2 pk or all 2 train or all 2 pk? adapt to ur surroundings it's human nature


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KizL Send PM


From: Seattle
Posts: 4,654

beatdown said:

Multiboxing is generally allowed by MMORPG End User License Agreements, because the characters are still subject to all the normal rules of the game world and are controlled by the player directly. This is in contrast to bots that partially or fully control the characters, which are against the terms of service of most online games.

Most MMORPGs only allow a single character per account to be logged in at once, so multi-boxers need a separate account for each character they want to play simultaneously. In subscription based services, this means paying multiple monthly fees, and buying several copies of game expansions. However, with trial accounts, multiboxing for free is possible. Using World of Warcraft: Starter Edition is one example which has unlimited play for free, albeit with certain in-game limitations surrounding maximum level, currency accrual, etc.

Most game developers allow multiboxing in their games. To date, Age of Conan, Aion, Anarchy Online, City of Heroes, City of Villains, Dungeons and Dragons Online, EVE Online, Lord of the Rings Online, Heroes of Newerth,[citation needed] EverQuest, EverQuest II, Lineage, Lineage II, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes, Rakion Latin-Internacional, Warhammer Online and World of Warcraft all allow multiboxing. The Chronicles of Spellborn and Rift allow hardware multiboxing, but prohibit software multiboxing. Game publishers do not provide technical support for multiboxing, so while it may be allowed, these games may not be designed to be multiboxed


Thanks for wasting your time. Lololol


IGN: Alerion, No Mercy, Attila and KizL
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scornedmagi Send PM


From: Arizona, USA
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beatdown said:

Multiboxing is generally allowed by MMORPG End User License Agreements, because the characters are still subject to all the normal rules of the game world and are controlled by the player directly. This is in contrast to bots that partially or fully control the characters, which are against the terms of service of most online games.

Most MMORPGs only allow a single character per account to be logged in at once, so multi-boxers need a separate account for each character they want to play simultaneously. In subscription based services, this means paying multiple monthly fees, and buying several copies of game expansions. However, with trial accounts, multiboxing for free is possible. Using World of Warcraft: Starter Edition is one example which has unlimited play for free, albeit with certain in-game limitations surrounding maximum level, currency accrual, etc.

Most game developers allow multiboxing in their games. To date, Age of Conan, Aion, Anarchy Online, City of Heroes, City of Villains, Dungeons and Dragons Online, EVE Online, Lord of the Rings Online, Heroes of Newerth,[citation needed] EverQuest, EverQuest II, Lineage, Lineage II, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes, Rakion Latin-Internacional, Warhammer Online and World of Warcraft all allow multiboxing. The Chronicles of Spellborn and Rift allow hardware multiboxing, but prohibit software multiboxing. Game publishers do not provide technical support for multiboxing, so while it may be allowed, these games may not be designed to be multiboxed


Just saying the vid you posted was a banable offence in wow as the player only controlled 1 char and the other used script to mimic the first. So yes bannable. Otherwise you are correct.

Last edited by scornedmagi (21 Jul 2018 14:06)

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KizL Send PM


From: Seattle
Posts: 4,654

beatdown said:

To think i started out all nice, helpful and full of hope when i first got here..

You people have literally driven me insane.. clearly. I shouldn't be letting your awfulness get to me.

I guess i need to step even further away for a while. Enjoy swimming around helplessly in your sea of retardation and utter insanity.

All the best

My job is complete.


IGN: Alerion, No Mercy, Attila and KizL
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scornedmagi Send PM


From: Arizona, USA
Posts: 627

beatdown said:

scornedmagi said:

beatdown said:

Multiboxing is generally allowed by MMORPG End User License Agreements, because the characters are still subject to all the normal rules of the game world and are controlled by the player directly. This is in contrast to bots that partially or fully control the characters, which are against the terms of service of most online games.

Most MMORPGs only allow a single character per account to be logged in at once, so multi-boxers need a separate account for each character they want to play simultaneously. In subscription based services, this means paying multiple monthly fees, and buying several copies of game expansions. However, with trial accounts, multiboxing for free is possible. Using World of Warcraft: Starter Edition is one example which has unlimited play for free, albeit with certain in-game limitations surrounding maximum level, currency accrual, etc.

Most game developers allow multiboxing in their games. To date, Age of Conan, Aion, Anarchy Online, City of Heroes, City of Villains, Dungeons and Dragons Online, EVE Online, Lord of the Rings Online, Heroes of Newerth,[citation needed] EverQuest, EverQuest II, Lineage, Lineage II, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes, Rakion Latin-Internacional, Warhammer Online and World of Warcraft all allow multiboxing. The Chronicles of Spellborn and Rift allow hardware multiboxing, but prohibit software multiboxing. Game publishers do not provide technical support for multiboxing, so while it may be allowed, these games may not be designed to be multiboxed


Just saying the vid you posted was a banable offence in wow as the player only controlled 1 char and the other used script to mimic the first. So yes bannable. Otherwise you are correct.

What the fuck is wrong with you people?? seriously?! How can you get yourselves to comment in all seriousness, even correcting people, on something you know nothing about?!

That's what multi-boxing IS, and even that is allowed in pretty much every game.

That's the most hilarious part of it all. It's way worse than superior individuals, capable of inputting commands MANUALLY on each seperate client, simply outplaying others, such as we do here on RSC.

Now shut the fuck up, you AWFUL people

You must not have read this part:   Multiboxing is generally allowed by MMORPG End User License Agreements, because the characters are still subject to all the normal rules of the game world and are controlled by the player directly
Its ok. I understand its hard for some people here to read things in entirety.  It states the characters are controlled by the player directly. Now if a script is controlling all but 1 of the chars you are playing it is banable cause the player is not in control of all the characters being played. Player is only controlling 1 while the script handles the rest. Maybe read what you post before sounding like a moron.

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