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@yel@Start:@whi@ Hassan in Al-Kharid Palace.
@yel@Difficulty:@whi@ Easy
@yel@Length:@whi@ Medium
@yel@Requirements:@whi@ None
@yel@Items needed:@whi@ 5 coins, Pink skirt, 7 balls of wool (OR 3 balls of wool and either a rope or 15 more coins), 2 onions, Redberries, Pot of flour, Bucket of water, Ashes, soft clay, bronze bar, 3 beers.

@cya@Walkthrough:@whi@Speak with @yel@Hassan@whi@ and ask him if he needs any help. He will then tell you to go see @yel@Osman@whi@, located just outside the palace. He will tell you that @yel@Prince Ali@whi@ has been kidnapped by @yel@Lady Keli@whi@. You should now go to the east side of Draynor Village and find @yel@Leela@whi@. Speak with her to get details on the items you need to collect to complete your mission.

If you do not have a @lre@rope@whi@, talk to @yel@Ned@whi@ in Draynor Village, and ask him to sell you some for @lre@15 coins@whi@. He can also make you some if you have four @lre@balls of wool@whi@. Talk to Ned again, this time about a @lre@wig@whi@. He'll make you a @lre@wig@whi@ if you give him @lre@three balls of wool@whi@. Go to @yel@Aggie@whi@ the witch in Draynor Village. Talk to Aggie about skin @lre@paste@whi@, and she'll make you some from the @lre@redberries@whi@, @lre@flour@whi@, @lre@water@whi@, and @lre@ashes@whi@. Talk to Aggie again about @lre@yellow dye@whi@ and she'll make you some for the @lre@onions@whi@ and the @lre@5 coins@whi@. Use the @lre@yellow dye@whi@ with the @lre@wig@whi@ to dye it blonde. With the @lre@soft clay@whi@ in your inventory, speak with @yel@Lady Keli@whi@ (found in the prison east of Draynor Village) and convince her to get a @lre@keyprint@whi@. Take the @lre@imprint@whi@ along with the @lre@bronze bar@whi@ to @yel@Osman@whi@ to get the @lre@bronze key@whi@. If desired, you can speak with @yel@Hassan@whi@ at this point to get 80 coins for your services thus far.

Return to @yel@Leela@whi@ to pick up your duplicate @lre@key@whi@. Talk to @yel@Leela@whi@ again, and she will tell you that @yel@Joe@whi@'s weakness is @lre@beer@whi@. You will need three. Talk to @yel@Joe@whi@ and give him all three @lre@beers@whi@. Once you have all of the escape equipment and you have immobilized him, use a rope on @yel@Lady Keli@whi@ to tie her up. Use the @lre@key@whi@ to unlock the cell and rescue the prince. Now, return to @yel@Hassan@whi@ in Al-Kharid for your reward.

3 Quest Points
700 coins total
Free use of Al-Kharid toll gate

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