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@yel@Difficulty: @whi@Easy
@yel@Length: @whi@Short
@yel@Requirements: @whi@None
@yel@Items needed: @whi@None

@whi@To start the quest, talk to @yel@Veronica @whi@at the entrance to Draynor Manor, located to the north of Draynor Village. She explains that she and her fiance, Ernest, were lost. Ernest went into the mansion to get directions and he hasn't returned, and she asks you to go into the mansion to find him. None of the monsters in the manor are aggressive, however, watch out for accidentally clicking 'approach' on the haunted trees which will cause you to take damage.

Go into the manor and up the stairs, then go up the nearby ladder to reach the top floor. Talk to @yel@Professor Oddenstein@whi@. When you ask him about Ernest, he says that Ernest is helping him with his experiments but that he was turned into a Chicken by the professor's machine. He can transform him back, but his machine is no longer working and he needs a @lre@Pressure Gauge@whi@, @lre@Rubber Tube@whi@ and an @lre@Oil Can@whi@.

@whi@Leave the Professor's room, go down the ladder and grab the @lre@Fish Food@whi@ in the eastern room. Now go downstairs to the ground floor and pick up the @lre@Poison@whi@ in the small western room near the Witch. Use the @lre@Poison@whi@ with the @lre@Fish Food@whi@ to create @lre@Poisoned Fish Food@whi@.

Now go to the eastern-most room, pick up the @lre@Spade@whi@, and then head outside. Walk around to the west side of the manor. Once you're on the west side go a little further south to the fountain. Use the @lre@Poisoned Fish Food@whi@ on the fountain, which will kill some piranhas. Now search the fountain and you will obtain the @lre@Pressure Gauge@whi@.

@whi@Go north of the water fountain to the cabbage patch. Use the @lre@Spade@whi@ on the nearby @cya@Compost Heap@whi@ and you will obtain a @lre@Closet Key@whi@. Go back into the manor through the front entrance and use the @lre@Closet Key@whi@ on the door to the small room behind the staircase leading to the second floor. Enter the closet and grab the @lre@Rubber Tube@whi@. Use the key on the door again to leave the room.

@whi@Head to the south-western room on the main floor and go down the ladder. This room contains a puzzle solved by pulling levers. Pull the levers in the following order:

1) Pull LeverA then LeverB. Go through the north-eastern door.
2) Pull LeverD. Go through the south-western door then go through the southern door.
3) Pull LeverA then LeverB again. Go through the north-western door, then the western door, and then the northern door.
4) Pull LeverE then LeverF. Go through the eastern door and then through the other eastern door.
5) Pull LeverC. Go through the north-western door then through the western door.
6) Pull LeverE. Go through the eastern door, then the southern door, and then the other southern door.
7) Now open the western door and you can pick up the Oil Can.

@whi@Now head back to the top floor and talk to @yel@Professor Oddenstein@whi@. He will take all the parts from you, start up his machine, and then transform @yel@Ernest@whi@ back into a human. @yel@Ernest@whi@ will thank you for helping him and give you a reward, finishing the quest.

@whi@4 Quest Points
300 Coins

Last edited by Billy (25 Sep 2017 12:04)
