Clue menu ingame

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joe dirt Send PM


Posts: 499

Add a menu between the stats and quests tab. Name it  "Clues"
Divide this up into 3 sections.  easy, medium and hard.

clue ????????  Answer  ?????
clue ????????  Answer  ?????
clue ????????  Answer  ?????
clue ????????  Answer  ?????

clue ????????  Answer  ?????
clue ????????  Answer  ?????
clue ????????  Answer  ?????
clue ????????  Answer  ?????

clue ???????? Answer  ?????
clue ???????? Answer  ?????
clue ???????? Answer  ?????
clue ???????? Answer  ?????

When you recieve a clue the ????? will translate into what the clue says

clue This anagram reveals who to speak to next: bail mash. Answer  ?????
clue ????????  Answer  ?????
clue ????????  Answer  ?????
clue ????????  Answer  ?????

clue ????????  Answer  ?????
clue ????????  Answer  ?????
clue ????????  Answer  ?????
clue ????????  Answer  ?????

clue ???????? Answer  ?????
clue ???????? Answer  ?????
clue ???????? Answer  ?????
clue ???????? Answer  ?????

And when you solve the clue it will again update

clue This anagram reveals who to speak to next: bail mash. Answer  al shabim
clue ????????  Answer  ?????
clue ????????  Answer  ?????
clue ????????  Answer  ?????

clue ????????  Answer  ?????
clue ????????  Answer  ?????
clue ????????  Answer  ?????
clue ????????  Answer  ?????

clue ???????? Answer  ?????
clue ???????? Answer  ?????
clue ???????? Answer  ?????
clue ???????? Answer  ?????

This will help people keep track of clues they have done for future use

Also i am aware this will not be of any use for coordinates.

What are other peoples thoughts on this? feel free and give any feedback you have positive and negative. Thank you


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ReconOne Send PM


From: Edgeville:Recon Army Reporting
Posts: 403

Would be a big list (with how many there are). Maybe have it popup a menu like the news stuff you can then scroll down?

Clue Help:
Equip/cryptic /Anagram / Hard Dig locations  / Sets[img][/img] [img][/img]

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n0m Send PM


Posts: 1,821

It's a nice idea but there are too many clues to have them in an interface like that..(391)