Territory Chest timer @billy

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powelly Send PM


Posts: 37

First off, great job on the territory set up!  (I talked to Billy shortly about this but wanted to put in here as a reminder)
The problem I feel is with the timer on the chest and the capture of the chest.

Problem:  As of right now if a team has less than about 2 mins on the chest it is impossible to steal due to the timer. So, it's pointless to kill anyone under that 2 mins because the clan will just get all the kill's loot added to their chest.

Solution: Make it possible to steal even if there is .1 seconds left on the timer. The time should have to expire completely without a clan capturing it from them to get chest. It would need to pause the loot going to the team that just got their ass kicked(probably the sweds). They would need to come back and continue to fight for that loot.

Alsooooooooooooooooooooooo you should have to be standing still for a certain amount of time to restart the chest. So fucking nerds cant have a bunch of accounts at chest parked, to restart it.(sweds are doing this. them smart, shitty pking fucks) They would at least have to fight for it.