[Functionality] Equipment Tab

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Yasuo Send PM


Posts: 223

KizL said:

GLeU said:

runeknight95 said:

No nostalgia? errr what, most of us are here because of it not for graphics lmfao.

"we don't have hours to waste" - Hence the boosted exp rates , the batching, notes etc

3-8 more food slots is a drastic change to the pk scene, so is new equipment such as rings and boots.

If we wanted all these new gizmos and gadgets wed be playing rs2, rs2, osrs etc. We are here for the nostalgia, the "fun" from skilling and the thrill of the old style pking.

there is only 1 thing that changes in pking. thats prayer beasts. 3-8 more food just means slightly longer fights for everyone else. and you know what, fuck prayer beasts, and there ruby amulet.

I'm with Matt on this one.



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Roxy Rose Send PM


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It has been mentioned before that RSCR will be like of RS2 never happened but RSC kept getting developed... this would fit right into the philosophy

The inventory, to me, feels more like what you pack away, while your equipment is what you are wearing on your body. It only makes sense to keep them separate smile

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Ilike2fish Send PM


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Kevin said:

fear nothing said:

Great idea i support this and it would be great for iron man thanks!

Iron man is already too easy. I hate when people try to dumb it down.

Nonetheless very good idea.

kevin, we get it. you find iron man too easy... you state this every time you have an opportunity.

Please go outside. The sunlight is good for you.

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Yasuo Send PM


Posts: 223

Unable to use on iron man and ultimate man.

LOL not sure if kevin is trolling


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Cub Send PM


Posts: 292

Of course updates and tweaks would be required to fit into current game content. I would also like to make way for more game related content.

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Ghasp Send PM


From: Rock
Posts: 561

-1 The deciding just what you want to bring while skilling at a cost of inventory spaces is part of the fun. I keep waiting for original ideas that are not just recycled RS2 . If we keep going this route with the excuse "this would be a natural progression if rs2 never came" we end up with... RS2

This is not RS2 and the more major changes you make to the fundamental aspects of the game the less nostalgia it offers. If you do alter it go in fun new exciting directions that don't remind people of RS2. Copycatting is not innovation.

Ribbit. Ribbit. CROAK.

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Cub Send PM


Posts: 292

Ghasp said:

-1 The deciding just what you want to bring while skilling at a cost of inventory spaces is part of the fun. I keep waiting for original ideas that are not just recycled RS2 . If we keep going this route with the excuse "this would be a natural progression if rs2 never came" we end up with... RS2

This is not RS2 and the more major changes you make to the fundamental aspects of the game the less nostalgia it offers. If you do alter it go in fun new exciting directions that don't remind people of RS2. Copycatting is not innovation.

Equipment tabs/screens do not belong to rs2. The whole logic behind to wearing something from inventory is like fire under the sea.

Now you may say "-1 nostalgia" but isn't this rscREVOLUTION? The equipment tab is beneficial in the way that it brings use to useless items "rings , boots", it can pave way to further enhancing game boosting content.

Now fun fact for you! Many of the suggestions I've been hinting at (rc, equipment tab).....were indeed in development during the real rsc!

"But Cub, why don't we see that in rsc?" Because you see them in RS2.... fun fact did you know summoning concept was invented during early rscrevolution (rsc) development?

Actually what pushed for rs2 were indeed the game enhancing changes. There were so many "problem" areas that needed fixed or enhanced that it was pushed to create a better version of rscrevolution.

So yes you'll see some suggestions that reflect off rs2, its not because its unoriginal...its because it enhanced the game that progressed to better gaming content and actually made damn sense.

RSCR has already embraced some of these changes
Item Notes
Party System
Auction house (G.E.)
Batched Skills (Make X)
Improved drop rates
Easier map travel.

But yes continue to chant your "nostalgia" even when the suggested content was in development during rsc and reasoning because of rsc.

Last edited by Cub (5 Mar 2016 05:32)

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Ghasp Send PM


From: Rock
Posts: 561

There needs to be some trade off here, isn't it already easy enough with all the improvements that there are already? or do you just want to be able to set your skills to 99 and skip actually playing the game completely? I do think there are servers like this out there... I already think combat xp rates are too high, skills are just about right. If you do this either add weight limits (complex) or cut down inventory slots (not fair to skillers), Or using the tab could take out 5 inv slots when in use. Its a fair trade off.

Ribbit. Ribbit. CROAK.

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Cub Send PM


Posts: 292

Ghasp said:

There needs to be some trade off here, isn't it already easy enough with all the improvements that there are already? or do you just want to be able to set your skills to 99 and skip actually playing the game completely? I do think there are servers like this out there... I already think combat xp rates are too high, skills are just about right. If you do this either add weight limits (complex) or cut down inventory slots (not fair to skillers), Or using the tab could take out 5 inv slots when in use. Its a fair trade off.

I think your concerns here are misplaced or misguided.

The tab isn't about making the game "easy", its about pushing for game content that enhances the actual game play. Equipment tabs are a necessity when it comes to equipable items in ANY game.

I doubt having 5 extra inventory places is on par with being able to set any skill you want to 99

About skipping the actual "playing" of the game? Equipment tabs will actually encourage more game play with new item slots and more inventory space.

This topic isn't about the xp rates nor making a path way to "skip" most game content.  It is about organizing and enhancing an element in the game that is long over due for a logical update.

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Ghasp Send PM


From: Rock
Posts: 561

Not a necessity obviously because this game doesn't have them and... wow it works fine : O how amazing
lets see more item slots = larger inventory = faster skilling = less time spent skilling = oh look less game play how did we end up here?
While I admit the current system is a bit.. quirky compared to other games. rscrevolution classic itself is a very quirky game and its oddities are what set it apart from the rest. Balancing inventory spaces is one of these quirks along with the somehow addicting grind and the extremely sub par graphics.

While ideas may have been thought of in RSC and later implemented into rs2 it doesn't mean this game should copy. The more you add from these ideas the less unique it is. Anyone can go play OSRS on rscrevolution and have these changes. Give new ideas, things you don't get anywhere else.

I also think it would be perfectly reasonable to trade 1 inv space for the first 5 items in an equipment tab then anything after 5 is free. A compromise that would be unique : O how novel... next people are going to be asking for a tool belt... then maybe we can update the graphics... then we can add summoning and construction and hunting and.... yeah

Ribbit. Ribbit. CROAK.

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Cub Send PM


Posts: 292

Ghasp said:

lets see more item slots = larger inventory = faster skilling = less time spent skilling = oh look less game play how did we end up here?

If I'm not mistaken, you will still need to mine the same amount of rocks to get to 99 with or without the equipment tab update.

But with the equipment tab update you gain 1 extra inventory space (pickaxe goes in tool slot) see doesn't seem so game breaking does it?

Now you may argue "well the excess inventory space(s) will decrease the time slightly to get 99 in (insert skill here)" I will agree that yes there will be a shorter time....but there is already a faster method in the current game state, power leveling.

Like I stated before, your concerns seem to be on making the game easier but in reality its making the game better and promoting more time on the game.

Also you're all about the uniqueness of rsc I get that, but from personally playing rscrevolution since the beginning I can assure you that there are areas that need updated, revision, and revolutionized.

Also another note, I've never once mentioned a graphic update nor will you see anyone here playing asking for a graphic update. The actual game content such as skills and such if its a great idea, sure why not implement it.

Hunting is a skill that can be found on various games, so is slayer, construction. We have to remember that just because its on rs2 doesn't mean its a horrible idea.

Last edited by Cub (5 Mar 2016 06:43)

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Ghasp Send PM


From: Rock
Posts: 561

No my main concern is that this game keeps getting closer and closer to rs2, balancing inventory for skilling was something unique to rsc and I don't think it should go away just to make things a little easier.

I have seen no example given of why people would spend more time playing if the had a new tab. You just repeat this over and over. I at least gave an argument as to why people would play less by leveling skills faster.

You can not power level all skills, and every inventory space is very precious.

I have played more then my fair share of rscrevolution classic as have most of the players here... your whole "since the beginning" blurb doesn't really mean much in this setting. While unique on rscrevolution due to their player base being newer to rscrevolution that is not so much the case here. You are dealing with a player base of mostly rsc vets who have been around the game for years.

Do I think the game can be improved? yes, but not by sacrificing its uniqueness over and over again and moving closer and closer to rs2.

Ribbit. Ribbit. CROAK.

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Cub Send PM


Posts: 292

I don't think you're bridging that some of updates found on rs2 are crucial to implementing to rsc to make the game better. (item noting is a grand example of that)

For an example of the new tab generating game play;
ring slot would encourage players to craft or pvm
boots would encourage players to pvm
More inventory space = more skilling, just because someone hits 99 doesn't mean they're done skilling
More inventory space for loot when it comes to pvm and pvp = more pvming and more pking & staking

At the end of the day, in my eyes its a crucial update to organization and its logical to have an equipment tab when you have equipment.
Also the equipment tab could help branch out for further game content updates that could make rsc more unique.

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Ghasp Send PM


From: Rock
Posts: 561

You can still do everything you want without an equipment tab you just have to hope that the inv space you sacrifice for new items is worth the bonuses the new items give. Lets get real, the fighters will not craft they will purchase said items produced by the few skillers just like everything else or they will afk farm them. As for pvm adding better bosses (a much better update) would encourage pvm not more inventory slots or rings that they can buy. While people don't necessarily stop skilling after 99 I don't see a whole lot of active maxed players around these parts who keep skilling for fun (run through the high scores lots stop at the 13m mark because people stop skilling at 99) . New weapons also encourage pvm, boots perhaps however I don't really see a need for them just one more stack to clutter your bank and both also alter the combat dynamic yet again which would undoubtedly miff many players.

The game can just as easily branch out without it...

Ribbit. Ribbit. CROAK.

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Kevin Send PM


Posts: 487

Ilike2fish said:

Kevin said:

fear nothing said:

Great idea i support this and it would be great for iron man thanks!

Iron man is already too easy. I hate when people try to dumb it down.

Nonetheless very good idea.

kevin, we get it. you find iron man too easy... you state this every time you have an opportunity.

Please go outside. The sunlight is good for you.

People don't seems to understand that i do not try to brag bout it.

I am just tired to see people trying to dumb down iron man.

His suggestion bout equipment tab is one of the updates i want the most in this game.

What i am tired to see tho is people trying to water down iron man.

Iron man is suppose to be "hard for a reason"

People need to stop thinking i am trying to brag or something.

RSC is easy. It's all bout time consumptions . We all know the game by now and every corner of it.

Last edited by Kevin (5 Mar 2016 08:50)

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Ghasp Send PM


From: Rock
Posts: 561

... I almost wish ironman was more dificult... no stores would have been nice

Ribbit. Ribbit. CROAK.

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GLeU Send PM


Posts: 2,034

Ghasp said:

No my main concern is that this game keeps getting closer and closer to rs2, balancing inventory for skilling was something unique to rsc and I don't think it should go away just to make things a little easier.

I have seen no example given of why people would spend more time playing if the had a new tab. You just repeat this over and over. I at least gave an argument as to why people would play less by leveling skills faster.

You can not power level all skills, and every inventory space is very precious.

I have played more then my fair share of rscrevolution classic as have most of the players here... your whole "since the beginning" blurb doesn't really mean much in this setting. While unique on rscrevolution due to their player base being newer to rscrevolution that is not so much the case here. You are dealing with a player base of mostly rsc vets who have been around the game for years.

Do I think the game can be improved? yes, but not by sacrificing its uniqueness over and over again and moving closer and closer to rs2.

what the fuck are you even talking about. You logic makes no sense, since all skilling is done with naked accounts. having an equipement tab makes no difference what so ever.

balancing inventory blah blah bull shit that makes no sense. the only thing your scare of is change.

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Mona Lisa Send PM


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-1 this is rsc not Game of War

R.I.P. Patrick aka Hostile

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B U B B A Send PM


Posts: 388

#ghasp ur posts from now on don't count for shit

Makes skilling easier...


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KizL Send PM


From: Seattle
Posts: 4,654

Make it so you can do both, problem solved.

We've got ironman. So why not have this version as well?


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