Jonny 15 Ban Appeal

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jonny 15 Send PM


Posts: 6


i would like to do a ban appeal for the mix up in RWT i have been accused of.
the story is i was in discord voice with tupac and he wanted to start staking but didn't have the means of doing it, so i decided i would trade him some party hats and a cracker for him to stake which he would then repay me (which he lost everything).
since then a member of his team has now fallen out with tupac and start some rumours of him RWTing me which admittedly was joked about but I've never received any money from this.

you will be able to see by the trade logs of me giving the phats / cracker but youll also be able to see of him giving me a black party hat back aswell - these items were a loan and not sold for IRL cash.

i hope this clears everything up and puts a stop the rumours in game and i just want to get back on the game and play again.
as a lot of you know about my disability i find sanction playing rscrevolution for many hours a day and takes my mind off my IRL issues.

i would like to think i am a well respected member of the community been on the server since day 1 and helped many many players either starting up or inviting them to my team Hellhounds (alot might say this is not a positive).

thank you for your time
Big Jonny 15

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Terror Send PM


From: Lumbridge
Posts: 571

Dear Jonny,

Thank you for your comprehensive ban appeal.

We sincerely apologise for the inconvenience caused. However, as moderators and administrators, it is our duty to take any accusations seriously.

A series of screenshots, were circulated on Discord which brought this matter to the staff's attention. Consequently, we felt compelled to temporarily suspend both your main account and any associated alternate accounts.

Having thoroughly reviewed the evidence and statements presented, it appears that the allegations do not align with your actions.

We commend your honesty and integrity throughout this process and are pleased to welcome you back to our community.

For future reference, we advise that any exchange or lending of high-value items be accompanied by a documented in-game agreement. For instance, if the item is for staking purposes, clear terms like "This is for you to stake and return if you win" would be appropriate.

In the future, you might consider partnering with someone with a more successful duelling track record.

Welcome back.

Feel free to message me in-game, on the forums, or on Discord with any questions or concerns you may have.

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