Ban Appeal

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qazxsw Send PM


Posts: 2

Hi my account Elroy was just banned last night. In all honesty i was not using a bot or sleeper or anything of the such. I did use a water bottle positioned over the enter key and a clicker positioned to log back in. At the time i did not see this as a true cheat just a temporary thing to walk away from for a few minutes but i ended up falling asleep leaving it on all night. I now see that it is wrong. I would really like to get unbanned. I was loving this server just getting a good start had some luck with clue scrolls. I'm being completely honest about this in hopes to receive another chance. THIS WILL NOT HAPPEN AGAIN, i can promise that!!!! Thanks and have a great day! smile

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Billy Send PM

Former Admin

From: Ardougne
Posts: 2,997

Hi, whether it's a script, a macro, a woodpecker, herd of cats, or a shishi-odoshi handcrafted by MacGuyver himself, automated play is one of the things we strictly ban for. You know this since you have been banned for it before, which is one of the reasons you were banned readily this time! You're welcome to play again on new/additional chars so long as you do so legitimately.

[img][/img]Read the rules: Automated play is a bannable offense![img][/img]
lol Billy Mays' Quest Reviews lol