Fat Bro0 bounty - Proofpic

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Badboy666 Send PM


From: Montréal
Posts: 491

SO, Goyimproud33 said he was paying someone to kill fat ho0e/bro0/etc. So here it is. And no, I dont fucking care it was 2v1 Fat bro0, you're just a love who can only kill people when they're not at comp.


Last edited by Badboy666 (1 Sep 2016 09:57)

Rest in peace Eric. You will Always remembered. May you guard Wilderness forever
-Baphomet, Smokablunt, BluntToker, Annabelle and many more.

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GoyimOfTheFlatEarth33 Send PM


Posts: 40

Money's yours pal thanks for doing business with me! ahahahahahaa

“Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation.”
― Oscar Wilde

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i3lunt t0k3r Send PM


From: NJ
Posts: 1,053

If this is Marc it's free pic coming your way soon..

Last edited by i3lunt t0k3r (1 Sep 2016 19:26)

Ignore the hate the fake and the funny shit

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B U B B A Send PM


Posts: 388

He is a noob killing afkers and you were scared to fight him 1on1 so you 2on1 him...


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i3lunt t0k3r Send PM


From: NJ
Posts: 1,053

Ignore the hate the fake and the funny shit

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pepster Send PM


Posts: 475

But Bob Nugent was the ONLY AFK pker?!?!?  HOW CAN THIS BE?!?!?!  Someone else did it??  NO WAY!!  No one does that.  NO ONE!!

Oh wait, we live in the real world and afk pking hasn't changed at all with or without me playing lol.
