my ban appeal

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ital1 Send PM


Posts: 1

char name: dezario
Not entirely clear as to why i got banned.
i have never cheated on this character ever. the stats aren't even impressive.
No inbox message.

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Pepsi Send PM


Posts: 1,187

I sent a lengthy message to the inbox of ital last night.
You were previously banned on at least 2 characters for the use of 3rd party software, as well as warned on at least 1 other. This was before I caught 3 of them using auto login yesterday

1. No third-party software. We do not allow any bots, auto clickers, color pickers, mouse recorders, or any other third-party programs that give an advantage over legitimate players. If you use third-party software to assist or augment your gameplay, you will be banned permanently. If you are caught botting more than twice, each of your associated characters will be banned permanently.