Shield of arrav on ironman

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pajser91 Send PM


From: Serbia
Posts: 236

Is there any way to finish the shield of arrav quests without a mod helping you on an ironman or do i have to wait for an mod to get online? And why isn't the key tradable with right click use option like the shield half?
Edit : I chose black arm gang on my ironman i need the key to finish my part of the quest .
Edit 2 : Mod Rah helped me out .

Last edited by pajser91 (15 Jul 2018 23:14)

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BreakIt Send PM


Posts: 73

For anyone who finds this in the future, ironman accounts can use their shield half on another player, or have a shield half used on them, to "trade" them.

This can be done with the candlestick for Hero's Quest too.

('m not sure about the key part for Black Arm's, I went Phoenix on my iron)

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pajser91 Send PM


From: Serbia
Posts: 236

BreakIt said:

For anyone who finds this in the future, ironman accounts can use their shield half on another player, or have a shield half used on them, to "trade" them.

This can be done with the candlestick for Hero's Quest too.

('m not sure about the key part for Black Arm's, I went Phoenix on my iron)

I mean if you read what i wrote you can see that i said that the shield is tradable with right click use, and that the key isn't . And yh as for now you need mod help if you chose black arm gang on ironman and I knew that from months ago , but i thought they made the key tradable by now . I hope this is gonna get fixed sometimes soon for future ironmans.