Returning player money making by N E 1 P K

Quests, Guides & Tutorials > Returning player money making > Re: 7 Nov 2023 17:06

Kill the revenant boss in the members dungeon and abuse the bug where you can't be attacked at the border by other players and you can break the mechanics of the boss making it very easy, probably best GP in game, tied with or better than having 99 slayer but there are zero requirements. Staff won't do anything either if you choose to do this!

Do the super engaging and interactive piece of content over and over and over again, the members mini quest, get yourself to 99 slayer, 99 runecraft and agility without ever doing those skills while making absolute bank, you'll be popping out tridents out your butthole, an item that's basically better than draco whip in most situations but is 100x easier to get and 100x cheaper. But it's fine you'll get so many of them it will be worth it!

TLDR: Kill the revenant, do the p2w members quest over and over again, rinse, repeat, you'll be rich in no time. Grinding 99 slayer is 600-1200 hours, spend that time abusing Rev and members quest I guarantee you'll make triple what you could make by playing the game normally how it was supposed to be played.

Joke ting.

iPhone support by N E 1 P K

Support > iPhone support > Re: 22 Oct 2023 08:09

No. Unless you use teamviewer

pvp community by N E 1 P K

Off Topic > pvp community > Re: 4 Sep 2023 07:11

nice phishing links ^^^^

So who is best pkay? by N E 1 P K

Wilderness & PvP > So who is best pkay? > Re: 9 Jun 2019 09:31

Nocashkilla said:

Nyx said:

imRonald said:

Akuma best multi pker (until ill beat him in some months) tongue
Djz best 1 client pker

Can't argue with this

No one. It's all just luck. Akuma just happens to have the luck of 1k powerball lottery winners every day since he started PKing. That doesn't mean shit. 
If you're looking for skill try PK on Rs3 where you can pay 200 yen via store on website to drop someone 1 hit.

We said I'd be conducting the interview when I walked in now exactly how much pot did you smoke?

Imagine by N E 1 P K

Suggestions > Imagine > Re: 16 May 2019 16:34

to put it bluntly, you're 90k subscribers isn't going to save this game from inevitable death

if you care about saving the game, why not do one without wanting money for it? curious to what you think it's worth anyway

Team Slayer by N E 1 P K

Suggestions > Team Slayer > Re: 14 May 2019 08:36

poorly thought out idea, horiple. -1 replica

#33stoborder by N E 1 P K

Wilderness & PvP > #33stoborder > Re: 12 May 2019 18:26

100 acre rsc said:


uk badboiz makin a comeback, wheres bosna and jen

Return of the GOAT by N E 1 P K

General Discussion > Return of the GOAT > Re: 8 May 2019 21:59

Crack is back said:

N E 1 P K said:


nice to see you back, maybe try again in the winter though. I think you'll be dissapointed at 4 30 today unfortunately with the lack of activity, although you always were good at creating good fights out of nothing, no1 is rly playing rn.

Doesn't matter where the hosts go. Someone hook me up a bunch of chars all make the wild interesting.

I was joking, always played against and with you on Canada hosts on previous servers including this one, you have the best runs out of anyone gonna be a lot more broken ankles on that Hill at Castle now

Some people think it matters a lot though and have stopped playing, i personally lovd 2sqing on canada ping, but unfortunately seems to be something went wrong with the last patch after the host changed which may be causing more and unnecessary delay, also someone was attacking the server pretty consistently after the change which didn't help either, they've been investigating it for ages now tho idk what's going on, haven't played in a couple weeks now

I really hope it picks up

Return of the GOAT by N E 1 P K

General Discussion > Return of the GOAT > Re: 8 May 2019 16:14


nice to see you back, maybe try again in the winter though. I think you'll be dissapointed at 4 30 today unfortunately with the lack of activity, although you always were good at creating good fights out of nothing, no1 is rly playing rn.

Ban/Remove the support for programs that emulate Android OS system. by N E 1 P K

Suggestions > Ban/Remove the support for programs that emulate Android OS system. > Re: 17 Apr 2019 08:40

KizL said:

Trupk3r said:

KizL said:

I started in 2002 so i'm better then everyone.


I started in 2001, so im better than you..?

Fair enough.



I'd also like to add some of the most skilled PKers who currently still play didn't even PK on RSC. 18 years later it's irrelevant if you PKed on real RSC or not

The same thing has happened on OSRS and that takes way more skill and game knowledge to be good at, it's getting to the point there where everyone knows what they're doing

I do those tournaments all the time and I personally can keep up casting vs someone I THINK might be using the emulator.. Think being the keyword because I think you've just been doigg too much legal. Highs and. You're imagining people use it. If you're fighting on PC vs android just run around a lot and cast while you run, easy game

Ban/Remove the support for programs that emulate Android OS system. by N E 1 P K

Suggestions > Ban/Remove the support for programs that emulate Android OS system. > Re: 15 Apr 2019 18:24

literally everyone who claimed to be something in the original rsc days isn't shit now, generally everyone I've ever encountered who spews this shit is trash, can't catch and can't cast for shit, change my mind

PKing was very different on RSC, it's 2019 people got good lol, who tf even are you anyway why you being so cryptic and mysterious like your zezima or something, you're not ur just another dweeb who played rscrevolution like the rest of us

not disputing that theres ppl out there who use the emulator in dm's, and people probably are sad enough yes to vpn at fort, not disputing that, but in wilderness the emulator is fucking pointless to use I tried it the other night and it's trash. I'll smash anyone using that shit in the wild if you think it's good you're honestly deluded

Ban/Remove the support for programs that emulate Android OS system. by N E 1 P K

Suggestions > Ban/Remove the support for programs that emulate Android OS system. > Re: 11 Apr 2019 18:12

Well locking your inv in wilderness on pc means jack shit tbh that just makes catching even harder, only people using this garbage is a few morons in the pvp tourneys, if people are multi in fort they are doing it on there phones lol but gg now people probably will start trying the emulator because of this post, ultimately the big problem is 1ip

android and 1ip best worst things to happen to rsc

Ban/Remove the support for programs that emulate Android OS system. by N E 1 P K

Suggestions > Ban/Remove the support for programs that emulate Android OS system. > Re: 11 Apr 2019 11:37

Neox said:

N E 1 P K said:

Neox said:

Allowing this on PC would make multiers nearly unstoppable. I do agree that android users have a casting advantage. However, that casting advantage is to make up for the disadvantages of playing on Android (harder right clicking, smaller screen makes accurate clicks/taps difficult, very hard to multi effectively).

How would it make any difference to multi if you can only cast one on client? It just makes it 2 actions to cast instead of 3, yes there's less distance for the mouse to move to cast but that doesn't make multilogging easy, multi is actually quite difficult

That's exactly my point. Having one less action required on one client will allow you to use the time saved to manage your other characters a lot better. A lot can be done in the split second saved from not having to click your spell book. Multiply all those split seconds by the number of casts done in a single fight and you will have a lot of time saved that would be used to manage your other clients. It doesn't make multi easy but it makes multi easier.

Mate have you ever even PK'd or tried to multi log ha

Ban/Remove the support for programs that emulate Android OS system. by N E 1 P K

Suggestions > Ban/Remove the support for programs that emulate Android OS system. > Re: 11 Apr 2019 08:49

Neox said:

Jauroo said:

I don't know anyone doing this, but why would you consider this is bannable or something? Android users have a huge advantage when it comes to staking over PC players, it's basically stake botting what they do, can switch modes and items at the same time, same whilst they're DM'ing, they can lock the cast screen or w.e and inventory screen and can pretty much eat and cast without missing which is a huge advantage, if someone were able to do it on PC it'd only be fair in my opinion.

Allowing this on PC would make multiers nearly unstoppable. I do agree that android users have a casting advantage. However, that casting advantage is to make up for the disadvantages of playing on Android (harder right clicking, smaller screen makes accurate clicks/taps difficult, very hard to multi effectively).

How would it make any difference to multi if you can only cast one on client? It just makes it 2 actions to cast instead of 3, yes there's less distance for the mouse to move to cast but that doesn't make multilogging easy, multi is actually quite difficult

Fort isn't working. by N E 1 P K

Wilderness & PvP > Fort isn't working. > Re: 9 Apr 2019 13:31

ye door timer shouldn't even be up for debate ppl been going on about it for months, loot to floor is a subject for debate and majority of ppl have voiced their opinions on it and seems to be leaning towards loot and or consumables should drop to floor

c'mon guyzzzzzzz do something ha dafuq

Not enough by N E 1 P K

Wilderness & PvP > Not enough > Re: 9 Apr 2019 08:06

instead of forum post after forum post why not report the people you think are doing it? idgi

Fort isn't working. by N E 1 P K

Wilderness & PvP > Fort isn't working. > Re: 9 Apr 2019 08:04

put a god damn timer on the doors there............................................. 5 or 10 second pvp timer

and consumables at the very least to the floor............ stop punishing people who don't want to have to be in 10-60 man discords to be able to get some kills and have fun

these 2 insanely simple changes at this point will make a big difference, it will make PKing there in non peak times more desirable and viable and it makes fighting a large team at peak times viable if you don't have enough. right now everyone's attitude is why bother if they have more, change it now or in a months time the staff and the PKers will regret sitting around doing nothing at all, SUMMER IS COMING AND IT IS INEVITABLE THAT THE ACTIVITY IN THE WILDERNESS WILL BE MUCH SLOWER THAN THE REST OF THE YEAR, PEOPLE THINK ITS DEAD NOW LOL GIVE IT 2 MONTHS.......

Do something