Team Original is doing it again! CheatKING. Pking*

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Unknownpure Send PM


From: Sweden
Posts: 30

I'll tell you guys about a Sad story, You've gotta read it, This is the "Originals" faceout picture, do they really wanna be known and remembed like this?

I wonder... is this how team "originals" PK?
- Yes, it does not seems better...

Team Sweden held Territory and was farming and haveing a good time as always, then suddently "Mr Green" (AKA IRON T)
Showed up outside the fort, I've not seen this guy in ages and dunno who he is, I though he was doing a comeback to the server, I was friendly asked if he wanted to farm inside the fort, and ofcourse keep all loot he farms.
He said "Sure, thanks!! I'll farm on the fire giants"
- fine! I'll invite you to my team:)
After around 30 minutes suddently Team OG + Fins showed up, that's when we realise MR Green (IRON T) was not here for the farming, he instantly BSed us..
I Told him GJ bsing for few rune set, that's it. but I couldn't kick him from our team because he was in wildy(not possible kicking ppl from your team when they're ONLINE in wildy..)

We decided to go for another round vs them, we knew they was 7 players, we was 5, that's fine, we are going in for a big battle... It's now Mr Green shows how kind of a nice guy he really is...
He got invited to farm with us, what we got back is first a BS, that's fine..
BUT what happen next ISN'T fine, or well, call it "The-Original-Way-Of-CheatKING. Pking*"

I can tell you guys, it was kinda hard to do the 5vs7 when this was spammed THE WHOLE fight.

I can tell you another story which shows how cute guys those guys in Team Original is, I'll make it short.

It was last Wednesday, Team Sweden was farming at the Territory for 8 hours in a row, BUT the team bank system was Bugging, so none of our items was banked into our Team Bank, It said "'Team Bank is full, no items were xfered" We checked the Team bank atleast 20-30 times during these hours, IT WAS ALL EMPTY, so we should have got the items into it once every single hour... It had been alot of pking at the Fort during these hours, so now there was 50 rune sets in the chest and TONS of ores,logs,fishes etc... We asked for Mods during all these hours, but none was online.
Then most of us had to leave the game for sleeping, then we got contact with mod kleio, he saw our problem, and the full chest, but he didn't know what to do, then he had to leave for sleeping aswell...

Now we was left to the destiny...
- Will N0m or Billy get online so they can sovle this bugg problem for us? Now we are left with half strenght of people... No mods seen....
Then suddently Team Originals showed up with full strength and we lost the controll of the chest, and all items.
We told them that there is a bugg not letting us get the loots, but they just laught at us and telling us to fk off when we friendly ask for part of the chest, In our minds it belonged to us, they shouldn't ´be able to steal all our work because of a bug, or well, yes ofc they could.... But, hey... they could alleast show somekind of respect letting us have a piece of it, but no.
I asked the the nice guy in their team "Rappsfan" as i mentioned before what he thought about the situation, friendly and a fairguy as he is he told me
-"I think you should get piece of the items, but I cant decide what my team says, I'll give you 10m gp to your team from my personal bank"
- of course I refused his suggestion, We didn't want his personal gps... We wanted the Originals to show a lil respect by agreeing to give us our pieces, but still today no items for us, I dont care about the value, it's just a princip for me. But there is more ppl in my team who got really bad/mad/sad about not getting their farmed and pked items, Because of this system bugg.

Lastly I want to tell you how the "team bank bugg" was sovled..
AS I mentioned, we opened team bank 30 times during this hours, it showed all empty slots...
BUT if you waited like 3-4 MINUTES then it Started to loading bank page stuffs, so after having the bank opened for 5 minutes we could we that our team bank acctually was full, any of you had this trouble that you had to wait 5mins till your bank was showed? No, none of us either.

I Feel sad for Rappsfan and Akuma sharing the same team name these guys, Rapps  or Akuma wasn't involved in any of those storys, all cred to you, stay strong m8's! <3)
I'll ofcourse mention that I spoke with Rappsfan yesterday, he said he was going to ask the team again about this, so I'm not saying this is the end of the story, BUT it dosn't feels like today's Original's CheatKING action pushed us in the right dirrection...Well..
To be continued..

EDIT; BTW, Call me a crybaby if you guys want to wink

Unknown Pure - Team Sweden

Last edited by Unknownpure (21 Feb 2017 13:23)

Leader of Team "Tractor"
PK-EventMod->Contact me If you have Suggestions, etc..<-*Mod Uno*
-->It All Started 2001-->FOREVER<--Cheers R0onscape Brothers!<---
The One And Only! *Unknown Pure* *Pkr Strong* *Johnzzz*, Etc... Team Sweden<3

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Mr T again Send PM


Posts: 50

Damn bro hahaha I literally was trolling the fuck out of you guys thats it.  ALSO STAFF STOP DELETING MY VIDS for christ's sake

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Mr T again Send PM


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mcdboy Send PM


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All over one little incident you start trying to rip into team Originals? I think you're just a little butt hurt. I've personally watched them own your team...

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Nyx Send PM


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I was with Swede this battle but normally fight with whoever has less.

I don't get the point of doing this, all it did was mean none of us on any team got any PK or play. I only come on maybe hour at a time I came for a big battle and then this Mr Green spams us, ending all the action and fun sad

Some kind words from a fan

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Boneknuckles Send PM


Posts: 21

mcdboy said:

All over one little incident you start trying to rip into team Originals? I think you're just a little butt hurt. I've personally watched them own your team...

And hows this? They owned 1 round? How about the other rounds when Team Sweden owned Originals 10 times in row? Were you there that time? originals here are butthurt, cause they have to do this kinda of stuff to get some kind of loot to the chest.. RIP originals and Mr Green

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Oopsie Send PM


Posts: 701

Get a fucking grip. You cry baby fhks

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Mr T again Send PM


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LOL i just wanna make it known that I did this for the luls and I harbor no feelings of animosity towards anyone on team swe.  It's all a joke, I had a lot of fun/laughs with it

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Oopsie Send PM


Posts: 701

Can't believe the tears over few lost rune sets. Harry Potter sequel wasn't even as long as Unknowns post

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Harharoopsie Send PM


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Oopsie said:

Can't believe the tears over few lost rune sets. Harry Potter sequel wasn't even as long as Unknowns post

Says oopsie, whos bitching every single time from p2p and dont log in for 2 days. Then crys when theres noone to pk in f2p. You should stay on forums instead of playing this game.  Get a grip fkin crybaby

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mcdboy Send PM


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Oopsie said:

Can't believe the tears over few lost rune sets. Harry Potter sequel wasn't even as long as Unknowns post

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Oopsie Send PM


Posts: 701

Harharoopsie said:

Oopsie said:

Can't believe the tears over few lost rune sets. Harry Potter sequel wasn't even as long as Unknowns post

Says oopsie, whos bitching every single time from p2p and dont log in for 2 days. Then crys when theres noone to pk in f2p. You should stay on forums instead of playing this game.  Get a grip fkin crybaby

Lol so mad you made an account after me xD I actually do PK p2p just not vs 5 Ibans. Held fort other night p2p gmage for 3 hours with just me and gamble, Ross Impreza doozie shat on quickie  + more couldn't take us down.

I get plenty of PKing in f2p also and if ever I'm on forums with something to say about p2p it's to make suggestions that would hopefully bring people back, like nerfing Iban accuracy which never happened.

You swedes act as if people NEED to cheat or whatever to win against you.... Hahaha.. The only time you win fights is outnumbering by double f2p or using 5 Ibans when there's no godmage. You need the most overpowered weapon in the game or double your numbers team to have a chance at doing well. Richest people in this game and also cry the most

Last edited by Oopsie (21 Feb 2017 12:57)

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mcdboy Send PM


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I think Team Sweden and Sweds in general on this server need to relax about pixels and have some fuckin manta ray!

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Unknownpure Send PM


From: Sweden
Posts: 30

Oopsie said:

Can't believe the tears over few lost rune sets. Harry Potter sequel wasn't even as long as Unknowns post

Hi2u Oopsie, Nice to see you active on forum atleast, haven't seen you in game last couple of weeks, or well, yea since you spammed in the ::1 everyday for a week..
"DMing Party hats!!!"
"I am the best DMer on this server, No one have the can beat me or have the balls to DM me!! Scared swed faggots!!"

- Maddog stepped in and showing you're nothing compared, I obviosly betted my money on maddog to crush you, Hard to get easier money, really.
Your couples of hats is now  safely added into my and maddogs bank.

Hope you get back up on feets with your economy, You got any more air and fires? I appreciate that I had the oppertunity to buy 300k of eac from you before you went cleaned.

Cheers! :*

Unknown Pure - Team Sweden

Leader of Team "Tractor"
PK-EventMod->Contact me If you have Suggestions, etc..<-*Mod Uno*
-->It All Started 2001-->FOREVER<--Cheers R0onscape Brothers!<---
The One And Only! *Unknown Pure* *Pkr Strong* *Johnzzz*, Etc... Team Sweden<3

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kenshin666 Send PM


From: texshush
Posts: 178

Was a pathetic move tbh had to spam food and try to get into settings to change message settings. Take a break from trolling rsc priv server bud u need it.

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mcdboy Send PM


Posts: 30

Unknownpure said:

Oopsie said:

Can't believe the tears over few lost rune sets. Harry Potter sequel wasn't even as long as Unknowns post

Hi2u Oopsie, Nice to see you active on forum atleast, haven't seen you in game last couple of weeks, or well, yea since you spammed in the ::1 everyday for a week..
"DMing Party hats!!!"
"I am the best DMer on this server, No one have the can beat me or have the balls to DM me!! Scared swed faggots!!"

- Maddog stepped in and showing you're nothing compared, I obviosly betted my money on maddog to crush you, Hard to get easier money, really.
Your couples of hats is now  safely added into my and maddogs bank.

Hope you get back up on feets with your economy, You got any more air and fires? I appreciate that I had the oppertunity to buy 300k of eac from you before you went cleaned.

Cheers! :*

Unknown Pure - Team Sweden

Not everything is about who has the most items on a game. You enjoy your bank.......hopefully it makes you feel good IRL

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Oopsie Send PM


Posts: 701

XDDDDD u so dumb unknown been PKing u nonstop at fort, whatever man done with your trolling see you tonight if you have the balls to challenge us without a 12 man team, your a joke whole server except your team just laughs at you, your "point" is totally irrelevant to situation, I PK U don't

Last edited by Oopsie (21 Feb 2017 13:09)

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Oopsie Send PM


Posts: 701

Been PKing u all week on Nightwish and Famousrscpkr lol, let's be honest I'm pretty much unstoppable f2p unless ridiculously outnumbered. Am on forums cos not at PC, I play in mornings and evenings u know this smile I guess u do have a point I did talk a pretty big DM game but getting beat by someone who never heals to full put me off ever doing it again. He doesn't heal full in wild either and pays the price.

Bank isn't everything, nothing more needs to be said. Those who know know and you're otherwise entitled to your opinion

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GreenKing Send PM


From: Oregon
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Boneknuckles Send PM


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Oopsie said:

XDDDDD u so dumb unknown been PKing u nonstop at fort, whatever man done with your trolling see you tonight if you have the balls to challenge us without a 12 man team, your a joke whole server except your team just laughs at you, your "point" is totally irrelevant to situation, I PK U don't

XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD I laughed so hard to this post, i don't even know wtf im gonna say.. Hahahaa!! "Pking u nonstop at fort" Was that a joke? Killfeed obviously shows you have just lost every single fight you have been into.. And you saying that you will be on tonight cause it's f2p, yes, true.. ONLY F2P pker oopsie.. Literally you're the biggest joke on this server. Like ppl have said, stick to forums and stop crying. If people have bigger banks than you, so what? That just means that they have more skill than you do. QQ more, jokes on u