3 new potions for 3 useless herbs?

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Billy Send PM

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From: Ardougne
Posts: 2,997

Guam, marrentil, and harralander are not being used in the game, making it somewhat harder for new players to make money farming herbs.
I was thinking it might be cool to pair them up with secondaries for something new. (Rather than adding new herbs at the top as later versions of rs did).

Paralyzing Potion - Level 50 Herblaw
Primary: Guam
Secondary: Red Spider Eggs
Effect: Paralyze monster effect. 30 second duration, 3 doses.
Notes: For cases where someone doesn't have prayer but still wants to raid.

Enrage Potion - Level 60 Herblaw
Primary: Marrentil
Secondary: Wine of Zamorak
Effect: Causes aggressive mobs to be aggressive to you, even if below your level.  Duration ? minutes, ? dose pot. (Aggro broadcasts could get slower as time elapses.)

Antidragon Potion - Level 70 Herblaw
Primary: Harralander
Secondary: Ground Blue Dragon Scale
Effect: Anti dragonfire properties for 60 seconds per dose.  3 doses.
Note: Gem dragons will have a dragonfire that still does 1-15 damage if you only have shield, so you would need to dose on top of that to take zero damage.

Got any ideas of your own?


[img]https://i.imgur.com/3xbQmDo.gif[/img]Read the rules: Automated play is a bannable offense![img]https://i.imgur.com/HtElPYg.gif[/img]
lol Billy Mays' Quest Reviews lol

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Nyx Send PM


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Great ideas

Some kind words from a fan

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Nyx Send PM


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What about non aggressive pot, makes all monsters not aggressive to you

Some kind words from a fan

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pajser91 Send PM


From: Serbia
Posts: 236

+1 , also dont forget tarromin .

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demoniczerk Send PM


From: Arcadia Florida
Posts: 7


...i wanna see this one... idgaf if torstol is the required ingredient i wanna see this one

ooh a potion of dispel lag also! oooooo make it last 5 minutes per dose of lag free play.

but yeah +1 to the 3 ideas billy has laid out for us.. mine are better though xD

- Ledge

Last edited by demoniczerk (18 Sep 2017 16:51)

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b a m s e Send PM


Posts: 14

pajser91 said:

+1 , also dont forget tarromin .

Tarromin is used for str pots

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pajser91 Send PM


From: Serbia
Posts: 236

b a m s e said:

pajser91 said:

+1 , also dont forget tarromin .

Tarromin is used for str pots

So is guam for attack potions . And since poison spider is added to legends guild , also saradomist agent poisons u for 9 dmg . So Cure Poison is a must have marrentill + ground unicorn horn . Dont be racist , spread some love for Tarromin aswell tongue

Last edited by pajser91 (18 Sep 2017 19:08)

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b a m s e Send PM


Posts: 14

pajser91 said:

b a m s e said:

pajser91 said:

+1 , also dont forget tarromin .

Tarromin is used for str pots

So is guam for attack potions . And since poison spider is added to legends guild , also saradomist agent poisons u for 9 dmg . So Cure Poison is a must have marrentill + ground unicorn horn . Dont be racist , spread some love for Tarromin aswell tongue

Str pots is used for PK, attack pot is useless

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pajser91 Send PM


From: Serbia
Posts: 236

b a m s e said:

pajser91 said:

b a m s e said:

Tarromin is used for str pots

So is guam for attack potions . And since poison spider is added to legends guild , also saradomist agent poisons u for 9 dmg . So Cure Poison is a must have marrentill + ground unicorn horn . Dont be racist , spread some love for Tarromin aswell tongue

Str pots is used for PK, attack pot is useless

So what u say is i should rather use limp to make str pot over using it to make super str pot ? Limp is super expensive , also hard to farm , i rather keep it and make super str over normal str pots. So no rly reason for me to buy tarromin or to farm it .
Keep in mind this was posted to help out new players out , not what pkers need or dont need . And no real reason to buy tarromin , low exp, u spend more then u profit .

Last edited by pajser91 (18 Sep 2017 22:00)

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GLeU Send PM


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antifre for 60seconds is shit. it should be 3-5 mins a dose. 1 hour of farming is 4 inventory slots at 5 mins a dose.

paralyzing potion has extremely easy mats to get but you're looking at 45 mins worth of farming. assuming you bring no food no runes no other potions (super sets). honestly its garbage. one used id MAYBE consider for it is training 1 defense accounts. i think a cost vs time and effort would still make using food a better option still.

enrage potion. could this be used to make npcs that arent normally aggressive, aggressive. like chickens or guards? That would be a cool idea i think. Really helps with the boring part of starting fresh accounts. I like the idea of this potion Billy. Need more details. I do worry though that people will use them to train flats or low defense accounts on weak mobs. Clogging up low level spots.

Half way through i discovered my auto capitalize was off sad

P.S. I really love the idea of new potions. Please expand on it smile.

Last edited by GLeU (18 Sep 2017 23:31)

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S O B BSpace Send PM


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The guam pot effect is too close to the restore prayer pot... how much less efficient would it be than restore prayer with paralyze?  I haven't done the math, but if implemented, it should be MUCH less efficient.  For pve, the only point of getting high lvl prayer is to make prayer pot farming easier and more efficient.  This pot could negate that and give too much freedom to pures.

New pots sounds great though, some of them should be 80+ requirement, currently other than skill cape there is no reason to lvl herb beyond 78.

Maybe an agility pot to access some of those new shortcuts?

EDIT:  I re-thunk it.  I would say possibly combine the fishing potion to give both a fishing and agility bonus?  Fishing pot is almost useless atm.  A better new agility pot would be 100% chance to complete obstacles for X minutes.

Last edited by S O B BSpace (19 Sep 2017 16:48)

Vet Paul
Iron Paul

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Billy Send PM

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From: Ardougne
Posts: 2,997

Good ideas!

[img]https://i.imgur.com/3xbQmDo.gif[/img]Read the rules: Automated play is a bannable offense![img]https://i.imgur.com/HtElPYg.gif[/img]
lol Billy Mays' Quest Reviews lol

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runeknight95 Send PM


From: Pleb Nation
Posts: 916

add attack potions to f2p

The anti dragon potion would benefit f2p only as there are no super powerful p2p weapons, not sure it will have demand?
Are they aimed for a new dragon gem dragon? is gem dragon out lmao?

Paralyze pot will ruin price of prayer pot no? or will it be weaker and just for players who want to try killing monsters while leaving prayer pots much more effective?

Last edited by runeknight95 (20 Sep 2017 02:40)

Check Out my "Quality of life" improvement suggestion thread and vote +1 ty!---->
Check out my Auction house improvement suggestion thread http://www.rscrevolution.com/viewtopic.php?id=8292

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Al45kan Send PM


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maybe a pk pot for f2p since they only able to use str pot f2p call it rage pot slight boost att str def nothing too serious maybe slightly under super set? i bet ppl would use it in pvm too i dnt know which herbs possibly all 3?

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Billy Send PM

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From: Ardougne
Posts: 2,997

Also a short-lasting anti-aggro spell would be nice. Something like "potion of invisibility" which would make it so NPCs won't be aggressive to you.

[img]https://i.imgur.com/3xbQmDo.gif[/img]Read the rules: Automated play is a bannable offense![img]https://i.imgur.com/HtElPYg.gif[/img]
lol Billy Mays' Quest Reviews lol

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Jan Send PM


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Support man.

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Sosa Send PM


From: swords nightmares
Posts: 149

S O B BSpace said:

The guam pot effect is too close to the restore prayer pot... how much less efficient would it be than restore prayer with paralyze?  I haven't done the math, but if implemented, it should be MUCH less efficient.  For pve, the only point of getting high lvl prayer is to make prayer pot farming easier and more efficient.  This pot could negate that and give too much freedom to pures.

New pots sounds great though, some of them should be 80+ requirement, currently other than skill cape there is no reason to lvl herb beyond 78.

Maybe an agility pot to access some of those new shortcuts?

EDIT:  I re-thunk it.  I would say possibly combine the fishing potion to give both a fishing and agility bonus?  Fishing pot is almost useless atm.  A better new agility pot would be 100% chance to complete obstacles for X minutes.

You should change your signature, I was the first ironman to legends guild. lol

*beta tester *combat formula tester *first to slay whiteboy 3x in a row *first to kill someone with a pickaxe *first ironman in legends guild *first to dismantle swordpire *first pk in rscr


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Anna Send PM


Posts: 43

Agility potions.

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Slysteeler Send PM


Posts: 6

These idea's sound great new dimension to herblaw!

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w4rmachine Send PM


Posts: 134

Big +1 awesome idea